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Big Purple Fans
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Everything posted by dslyank

  1. Still need another BIG I think. Doles & Taylor (if they both come back?) IS IT as they say. And neither Doles nor Taylor a true center. Maybe Hanks steps up?? Would LOVE to see a freshman big man or two who can be brought around slowly and stay for all 4. Not saying would not want a stud @ the 5; but would probably move up after a year or so.
  2. Read the article. Said they contacted 6 men's Universities which must be narrowed down to four on selection Sunday. HOPE someone @ UA had enough sense to OFFER Casey Stadium instead of Fallen [which was mentioned in the article??]
  3. Depending what happens this weekend; there is very little reason to play that game. The 4 teams in the AmEast are pretty much set. A game on 4/28 MAY affect the seedings, but most likely not. That being said I'm glad UA is playing the game. The more they play, the better they get and these covid delays and not playing only hurts teams in my opinion.
  4. UA & brook are #17 & 13 in media poll; and #15 & 14 in quints poll this am. With 2 games left (UA has a make-up with vmont; which I doubt will happen.) If UA & brook win out {with UA having the much easier remaining games), brook finishes 8-1, UA 6-2 w/o vmont make-up. brook still has to play umbc & vmont. vmont plays bingo & brook. umbc brook & NJIT. umbc capable of beating brook, but IMHO vmont is not and in fact could lose @ bingo this Saturday. So my prognostication: #1 brook 8-1 (7-2 @ worse); #2/3 UA 6-2; #3/2 vmont 6-2 (possible 5-3); #4 umbc 6-3. umbc would jump to #1 with a win @ home vs brook (and they already beat brook once.) UA & vmont drop to 4/3 or 3/4, probably no need to play make-up? Anyhow IF my prediction holds up "good" chance brook & UA could both go to NCAA if either of them win the tournament. I know a lot of IFs here and a lot could happen in final two weeks + tournaments. But with no IVY's, caa and patriot looking @ one bid each at this point, "good" chance AmEast could get two. [UA 2-1, brook 2-2 ooc.]
  5. For the few who care I will add my post game assessment. Trying not to repeat the formal and news reports, I do feel compelled to mention Scotts comment on UA's SLOW starts. UA is very young overall. Even though they do have some excellent upper class leaders, sometimes it takes time for the players to get on the same page and ALSO to figure out what the opponent is doing and how to respond. With no fall ball, late start due to covid & WEATHER, personnel issues and what seems as a constantly changing line up, UA is very much still a work in progress. Of course, to some degree or another all teams, more so in the northeast have these issues. So getting back to the game, early JITTERS definitely seemed an issue. UMBC is noted for their defense and VERY deliberate offense {have I commented before on how much I hate the shot clock and how it has NOT done what it was designed to do.} UA actually IMHO did well overcoming both UMBC O & D; obviously in the 4th, but really most of the game. A couple UA mistakes/ jitters and a couple unfortunate bad bounces and this game really would not have been as close as it was and UA put it all together in the 4th. UA got contributions from many and as Scott mentioned 13 assists out of 14 goals; continues to be a strength of this team. Might be time to shrink the playing rotation a little? Seems like McComber having issues staying on his feet and holding onto the ball; Ramirez seems to run around pointlessly; Seneca seems hesitant to even hold on to the ball for more than a fraction of a second. Just some observations, NOT recommending anything. Do think Cam Hay needs more playing time {even though he may be still in injury recovery mode) and think Logan Tucker need more playing time.
  6. Agree; coaches have more important things to do than chat with fans. But IMHO message boards and blogs of this sort are still relevant. Coaches or preferably a staff member should monitor the blogs; but certainly should not be actively participating. I do not do Facebook or Twitter or Tip/Tik Top/Tox or whatever they call it and am perfectly happy NOT TO. So DP please KEEP THIS BLOG ALIVE. So now that I said; coaches need not communicate personally to fans; just for fun I responded to what I felt was a robo call and bulk email from Coach K. My email made reference to UWM where my son is a professor. Coach Killings got back to me right away said he lived near UWM on Milwaukee East Side and that we should stay in contact. Very pleased with the personal contact. He seems to be genuine and I grow more impressed all the time; but still really feel he has more important things to do.
  7. Don't really blame Hartford if they did move down. NOT that I am recommending they do so! But in their defense, the AmEast while NOT the bottom is pretty close to the bottom of D1. Really don't know much about there reasons; but kind of the reverse of the song "NY-NY". If you can't make it here you can't make it anywhere. Also in their defense, I reiterate my long standing gripe that the NCAA does nothing/ or almost nothing to support mid majors. In fact, most/many of their rules make it pretty nearly impossible for mid majors to not only compete but to even exist. And please don't misconstrue my post to mean UA should consider giving up on D1. Worked, wished, donated, attended too hard for too many years to want UA to go back. Only wish the NCAA was not so incompetent or corrupt or whatever, and NOT make it so hard for STUDENT ATHLETES and MID MAJOR Universities to compete and prosper.
  8. 100% agree. And WISH UNH, RI and the Rest of the "northeast" components and maybe a few more would GET OUT of the caa; and form their own league! Been saying this for years; even before we ultimately joined the caa. I know most/many of you disagree; but still think there is IMHO no way the competitive disadvantage of the northeast teams face vs the southern can or will ever be overcome. And the additional cost vs exposure benefits has IMHO been a MYTH.
  9. Might be able to top all you old timers. Saw my first UA basketball game in what is now Bishop Maggin High School winter 67-68 my freshman year. Also, saw a game in Page Hall basement Gym that winter (No sh*% they actually had pillars if not in play pretty close). Began a run of what was almost 10 years of not missing a game when UA Gym opened in the winter of 69-70. And if I may add one better; when I en-rolled in September 1967. Physical education was a required course. Since there was no building, we took PE outside, in the tunnels and just about anywhere else. We even had to take a written final exam to get our required ½ credit requirement. My hall mates & I spent an all nighter reading the text out loud to each other (yes we had a textbook) which we all bought day one but never opened until panicking the night before the exam. But I digress. Being a gym rat and loving all sports (partaker of many master of none), I actually enrolled in a second year of PE as an elective 69-70. Doc Sauers was my handball/raquetball instructor for one segment {he was unbelievably good: he would play single against my friend & myself and we could barely score--and my friend and I were tops in that class and both of us years later competed in what was called ladder @ the Colonie Racquet Club; but Doc was the best I've ever seen.} For another segment of my PE elective I started Doc's officiating course, but changed out it was too tough and I wanted to participate not be in another academic class. Again I digress--HAPPY BIRTHDAY DOC!
  10. I did not start a new topic; blog interest in Lacrosse seems pretty low these days. But for those interested UA bounced back nicely from last weekends loss to brook and the dismissal of their leading scorer and one time #1 recruit in the country. UMass Lowell is not a very good team at this point, but are well coached and have a lot of good young talent IMHO. UA played very well yesterday on both offense and defense. Really putting it all together, including correcting 3 areas which many on this blog have noticed. UA won 18 of 26 face-offs, was dominant on ground balls and reduced turnovers significantly. The final was 17-6 and even though you may say UMass is bad/young/etc, I would counter that UA also plays with many freshman & sophomores. UA had ten different players score a goal; had 13 assists on 17 goals; UA's leading scorer now that Tehoka is gone did not score a goal, but had 3 assists: and a freshman (Camden Hay) who may IMHO be the best of UA's youngsters did not suit due to an injury from an illegal hit earlier in the year. My point, this UA teams is young and talented and when they play together and are FOCUSED can beat "almost" anyone, when they play like they played yesterday
  11. The last 3 home games ABSOLUTELY should be moved to Casey Stadium with 1700 or so tickets offered. Even if 200-300 tickets are given away to family/friends, leaves 1400 or or so for sale. Even if only half of those are sold that is 700 x ($10-$20) that is $10,500 per game. If UA manages to get home field for AmEast even more money coming in {not sure how much AmEast gets.} Betting minimum $30,000 taken in for three home games, and would NOT be surprised if upwards of $50,000. Believe my estimates are conservative; really feel upwards of 1400 or 1500 tickets per game would not be out of the question. Before covid, men's Lax average attendance well over these amounts. IT IS A NO BRAINER! Get it done Mr Benson.
  12. Think canceling last weekend really hurt UA yesterday. Simply UA was NOT consistently sharp yesterday. I've seen pretty nearly every set home & away (on AmEast of course) this fall/spring actually. Even though they competed hard, yesterday they looked out of sorts @ times. Reminded me a little of UA's Jekyll/Hyde Lax team. UA would get a lead and then seem to relax, almost like the were trying to conserve energy. I have NO idea how many players they had available last weekend; but feel a team needs to PLAY against opponents to stay sharp. Especially coming up to tournament time, IMHO it does not benefit a team to take a week off to try and stay healthy. Rust develops quickly and in a short season especially, I think one is better playing (if at all possible) than resting up and simply practicing among themselves. Like I said I have NO knowledge, how bad/many last weekends covid pause was; but either way, IMHO it had a very negative affect on UA's performance yesterday. ps 2 sometimes starters with considerable minutes did not play at all yesterday {damnCOVID.}
  13. repost from General: If they move Lacrosse to Casey; they could allow 1700 fans in [20% of 8500.] But why should UA, put themselves out a little for the FANS/DONORS/COMMUNITY.
  14. If they move Lacrosse to Casey; they could allow 1700 fans in [20% of 8500.] But why should UA, put themselves out a little for the FANS/DONORS/COMMUNITY.
  15. Paste or link to see UA re-opening policy: https://www.gocomics.com/wizardofid/2021/04/01
  16. Could not understand listing. Said year 2017? Is he a grad transfer? Or high school senior. Also if transfer, from where?
  17. Bob, I hope you have not left yet. ps Volleyball home tomorrow night for AmEast championship. Wonder if they will let fans in??
  18. The only issue I have with this they should NEVER have started this ridiculous SPRING SEASON.
  19. quote from Quint in IL; "The America East has a sensational race going on with the Seawolves, UMBC, Albany and Vermont vying for the AQ. UMBC wins close games on a weekly basis. Albany is mercurial." In a subsequent article he heaps praise on UA for their victory against a highly rated UMass team and finishes with the following "Saturday, they gave it all right back losing a conference game to Stony Brook, their second league defeat." Don't always agree with Quint but I think he nailed it with mercurial: [mer·cu·ri·al| ˌmərˈkyo͝orēəl | adjective1 (of a person) subject to sudden or unpredictable changes of mood or mind: his mercurial temperament.] And his praise of UA; supported by UMass beating Hofstra (a team in the 10-15 polls.) 16-10 yesterday.
  20. This announcement was actually made a week ago. I have been trying since then to get some information from the ticket department about (1) why the new ticket portal was still not working (2) why GDAC and priority points were not updated to the portal as promised and (3) if tickets would be available for this weekends Lacrosse game. Answering (3) first, Benson per the above article is STILL evaluating the above criterion. He has only had a WHOLE year to come up with a re-opening plan. Fire him NOW, YESTERDAY, SOON pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. (2) the new portal IS still having issues merging with the old system. Donations, GDAC, priorities, parking, etc. will be handled in-house manually until June or July. {quote--don't worry our base is "small" enough to handle manually.} If it is really that "small" doesn't say much for UA's marketing, fund raising, etc. (1) the ticket portal will run only when an event is available. Ticket manager is waiting for the go ahead to post an event. Was suppose to happen 3/29 or 3/30--has NOT. Again, they have had 9 months to work on this new portal. Many/most of us had difficulties signing in and I bet many even gave up trying. Also, I tried to update payment information and found no-way to do so. Manger guessing it "should" be available when an event is posted; but NOT sure if old/onfile payment option will be carried forward??
  21. The problem here is Gatusso NEVER deserved a 5 year extension. One good year and everyone seems to forget the first miserable 6 years of his tenure. I know there is no way UA will buy-out his contract now; but IMHO, I would fire him today, no reason to wait. The team is going no-where, even if they win there last two [which they will not.] UA is committed because of Benson's contract blunder; no need to wait until the end of the season to acknowledge this. Won't happen but fire them BOTH today. Look at the BEATINGS every UA team (except woman's lax) took this weekend. EVERY spring & fall team {except woman's volleyball} has/had a losing or at best mediocre record. Maybe a couple of the spring teams {Men's Lax hopefully} can still turn it around; but the struggles of UA Athletics overall since Benson's arrival are well documented. Not that I am in the WINNING is everything clan, but check any sport and find me a UA team with anything better than a mediocre record in the last 4-5 years? Ok track field maybe, but that is more of an individual sport and even they have been getting more competition in the AmEast lately {a conference that UA use to dominate--when was UA's last commissioner cup??}
  22. Is there a cutoff DATE when players must decide to return or NOT??
  23. Did UA forget how to play defense?? Difference in the game IMHO--brook played D, UA did not! Looks like brook #1 pre-season correct. Vermont offense good but they don't play D. At this point, brook looks like the best balanced team, especially if UA can't figure out how to win some face-offs and how to play some Defense. Also UA plays DEFENSE in QTR 1, like they don't have an idea what the other team is going to do. Maybe because of covid NO scouting??? 1st qtr vs vt and brook cost us both games, Even vs umass the D let in 4 quickies. {good thing UA offense also off to a fast start vs umass.} ps. Did not like that Scott pulled Donnelly; even though Ramos made some great saves @ first. But overall Donnelly was NOT THE FAULT! IMHO the D did not give him a chance on 5 of the 6 he allowed.
  24. The four row bleachers on the east side of Fallon were facing Fallon Tuesday. I was standing behind them for ½ the first quarter. The guard unlocked the gate for a camera man. A few of us just walked in; the guard did not seem to mind, until a group of about 10-15 more decided to join us. He then politely asked us to leave. He was very kind and understanding, but I think he got a little nervous when the #s got too big. Anyhow 72 is right those bleachers usually face the opposite direction, towards field hockey. Also, Becker was tryng to say Umass was/would be playing 8 CAA games and UA was/would be there only OOC game.
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