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Everything posted by dslyank

  1. NO. DO NOT GO CAA! Flosports overpriced and nothing on it except caa really. One bid conference, with TOO many teams. AmEast often two bid considerations for lacrosse & volleyball occasionally. Huge recruiting disadvantage to southern teams in conference. Wonder how Brook is doing now😒. DON’T DO IT UA!!! đŸ„ș
  2. Casey has review capabilities for CAA football. Does the CAA bring their own equipment?? Also, pretty sure saw reviews at AmEast tournament @ Vermont the last couple of years? And I don’t watch/follow PLL but I would think they don’t bring their own review equipment to Casey?
  3. The CAA has review capacity for football; why not lacrosse? Is it because Drexel does not offer football? Still think the CAA is a bush league. ps the AmEast does not offer football, but has review capabilities for lacrosse.
  4. Only good news AmEast getting beat up pretty good for the most part. Only NJIT doing any winning and have not played anyone. UA at least has been in every game. Should really been 2-1 at the worse right now.
  5. I wish they’d had shown the disallowed goal with 9seconds left. No way crease violation in front unless he ran across on side
  6. I missed Colgate and Penn and only saw parts of replays. But think this team is almost there. Scott the eternal optimist “seems” even more optimist than usual? Still think we miss Salit?
  7. Did not see Peter Salit in box score. Injured??? He has been one of best QB’s/assistman, the last couple of years. Could have been a/the difference maker yesterday?? Missed game due a family illness, but sounds by blog & what I read winnable game? Good effort against a team playing its 4th game. Problem with clearing and 10 man ride. Wonder how close in freshman defenders (especially close in) did??
  8. You did not mention Hardy (Jacksonville transfer in the above)? He is listed as midfielder. Big time scorer in Syracuse area in high school (111pts as a senior tops in section I believe.) Do you have any idea how/if he will be used. Also, I think Silas & Salit will start on attack; any thoughts, do you agree & who might be the 3rd??
  9. Not saying you are wrong; but you do seem to be ignoring three issues {not even counting, we on this blog can want all we want; but historically have little/no say .} issue 1 issue 2 Do you really think Benson is going to man-up and admit he made a bad hire?? He waited almost 9 years to prove he was RIGHT about GattusođŸ˜”â€đŸ’«. issue 3 NJIT, UMBC, N.H., and Maine. Of those 4, how many wins? Those are 4 winnable games and what IF; UA knocks off one of the top 3 {not impossible NJIT beat VTđŸ€Ș.} You say W/L record count you wanting DK out. What NO Props if he manages to save a sinking ship in spite of injuries and Beagle {arguably the stone UA23 is/was built on} defectionđŸ€Ż Let me reiterate , no problem with your post above, just pointing out DK firing under any scenario unlikely?
  10. Anyone going? If so, A report appreciated.đŸ€—
  11. Eli cannot believe you did not get caught up in the 3-5 years leading up to and including the final 4 appearance in Foxboro for the men's lacrosse team. I have been following UA athletics for 55+ years with MANY HIGHs and some lows; but there is/was nothing like the anticipation and excitement of the Thompsons' years and the final four, just afterwards. Each to their own of course; but being rated a top 10, top 5, and even #1 IN THE COUNTRY more than once in those years was an un-comparable feeling for me. Anyhow, buddy don't lose "hope." Keep following the UA teams you have interest in; if football can have a season like they just did, why not men's basketball again in the "NEAR" future??đŸ€©đŸ€©
  12. Do you know if Scott was saying Whitney will be the stater for Saturday's scrimmage; OR was he predicting/announcing Whitney would be the starter this season?? And does this have anything to do with VanVaulkenberg's injury [supposedly he had an excellent World Tournament last summer??]
  13. To further answer your question and show the problems Northeast teams have by the allowed first week in Feb start time: take a look at our first oponent Colgate--they play their first six games on the road, opened with their upset of Penn State in Happy Valley; play tonight at the dome then outdoors at Hobart & UA {weather permitting.} Vermont for a couple of years went the Softball/Baseball route and played 3 weeks in Florida [got too expensive I guess the past two years went the SU dome route early] and of course teams with money: Ohio State, Notre Dame, Maryland (go figure you'd think they would be far enough south already) and I think Army have all completed indoor lacrosse facilities large enough to accommodate sizable crowds. ps Syracuse was suppose to come to UA this year, but since everyone in the Northeast wants to get inside the dome for early season games, they chose to cancel their commitment to come to Albany, and proceed to open their season with SEVEN straight home games in the dome. ps they use to be famous for playing only at home; but caught some slack for this and/or got bad and had to stop the practice. Now that they are supposedly good again{??}, I guess they can get away with it again.
  14. Sort of normal. Unless UA makes an early season trip to the dome (SU whatever it is called these days), most years UA will be opening against teams that have played 1-3 games already. Scott has been trying for years to get some relief for Northeast teams, by having a later allowed start date & more practice time often reduced/cut short by weather. His efforts are always doomed to failure by the power of the dixie teams and the traditionalist who claim it would make final four weekend on Memorial Day difficult/impossible to achieve {even though sample schedules have been provided, even with a mandatory start date the last weekend in Feb--still possible to be done by memorial weekend.} That being said last Saturday was actually nearly perfect weather for lacrosse all across the northeast & south. Not to say 2/17 UA's home opener won't be 20 belowđŸ€§. ps the last time UA had three regular season home games in February, each game was more brutal than the one before, with wind chills well below freezing each time, Then the season was canceled due to covid; and when Benson offered a roll over season package for the following year, he pro-rated out the three games the few of saw. He should have given us an award for attending instead of basically charging us twiceđŸ€‘.
  15. It was a joke. AND please notice I said at least two more years; meaning even if it would cost nothing at the end of two years, do you really think Benson would OWN up to his bad hiring. He could have gotten rid of Gattusso at no cost at least twice.đŸ€Ș
  16. I am NOT a lawyer; but almost positive the original injunction was for a specific TIME period [ended first week in January]. The fact that the ncaa chose NOT to defend the rule during the injunction period/time frame; does not as far as I (not a lawyer) mean the rule no longer exists. I admit I could be totally wrong but pretty damn sure if you go the ncaa rule book still lists a one your waiting period for second time transfers. Really, whether the rule still is on the books or not and whether the ncaa plans to enforce it in the future or not; is pretty meaningless. Do/Did not mean to contradict you or anyone on the current state of the rule. THE BIGGER ISSUE {and what my post was really addressing} that being the issue of the PORTAL as a whole. Dare I say the large majority of small and mid major NCAA schools and even a significant # of power 5 conferences have major issues with the PORTAL period. You yourself mentioned Saban, and there are others. Your friend Baker CANNOT ignore the issue of the effect the PORTAL is having on college athletics at ALL levels and ALL programs both for money sports and ALL the other non-revenue generating college sports. IMHO most/all Colleges and Universities cannot, nor do not want to professionalize college athletics. Most are having enough financial stress just trying to provide an education. Even the large power5's know providing total free agency and paying athletes is NOT sustainable. NCAA's very existences is at stake. If was the president of Harvard or UA or SUNY Potsdam, and told l had to grant free agency to all my student athletes and by the way pay them as well as educate them, OR find another conference to participate; I'd call NIAA or whoever or offer intramural athletics only. Sorry about the rant. Probably something wrong with me, thinking a college athlete should just be a College Athlete, no more no less.
  17. Fire DK đŸ€Ș?? Yeh Right. Do you all really think Benson, the guy who stuck with Gattuso for what 8-9 years, will admit he made a bad hire?????????? It is NOT a money issue that will keep DK here for at least two more years; IT is a demi-god who is now omni-potent after the football's team {perhaps flash in the pan year??} which he will ride until some unsuspecting other school lures him away. đŸ€‘
  18. Game Report if anyone cares. UA wins 3 qtrs to 2. Tied end of regulation; UA scored first goal of 5th qtr or overtime if you prefer. QTR SCORES UA listed first: 2-3, 3-2, 1-2, 4-3, & 4-2; overall 14-12. Impressions: lcc is a veteran team with +20 seniors & grads. UA played mostly soph, freshmen’s at least offensively and UA senior goalie did not play at all. lcc according the more poised team, and are picked by inside lacrosse to win the Maac. Obviously both teams KNOW pretty much everything there is to know about each other. That being said IMHO UA actually should have won by more. UA missed 4 goals right in front (one with a totally empty net) and pretty much uncontested. Twice in the first minute of play. Also, lcc got the tieing goal in qtr 4 after #28 for UA got hit in the head with a stick, his head pretty much spun around—no call, UA was called for 2-30second holds while trying to help their obviously dazed teammate. Obviously pre-season for the ref’s too. In perhaps a bizarre turn of events UA #3 face off man (at least in the order used yesterday), had a hat trick in qtrs 4–5. (#34 sophomore Oppenheim.) As far as other players of note with some waring no number and #21 is not listed on the roster at all, so accuracy following questionable: I did not see Peter Salit(#16) at all unless he was numberless or waring #21; Parker Winky #41 had two goals late; Whitcomb (#2) had at least 2 goals but he also might be one of the four who fanned on almost sure things(?); I’m not sure anyone else had more than 1 ea; but with Sun and my aging eyes sometimes hard to tell who scored. Anyone want to add or correct or contradict any/all of this WELCOMED.
  19. Pretty sure this is incorrect. The second time transfer rule has NOT yet been amended or changed. This has been discussed on the football section of this blog; and as far as I recall and have not seen any update in the news. But the second time transfer rule was temporarily suspended by the courts, giving the NCAA until early January to amend the rule. The ncaa gave all waiting two time transferees immediate eligibility to play, while giving themselves time to reevaluate the rule. As far as I've seen/read they have NOT changed/amended the rule at this point. The players mentioned in this blog except Beagle WOULD have to sit a year as the temporary court adjudication has expired. Now as far as I've seen/read the ncaa has bigger issues than the one year wait for second time transfers. Many institutions including many Power 5 WANT the entire Portal process re-evaluted. This along with issues with NIL, especially for "non-money" sports (which Power 5's or otherwise ALL have issues); may not be resolved in our lifetimes. I know you have sources who know more about all of this than I do; but pretty sure at this moment in time the one year wait for second time transfers is still in effect. And pretty sure it is closely tied into the the issues I've mentioned above. If you have any updates on the "Overall Portal Process" review; and/or official ncaa professionalization of college sports, please enlighten us. Thanks
  20. The scrimmage is at 1pm @ Casey. Parking is at Dutch. Broadview will be for basketball/purple growl. You can try to park there if you have a basketball parking pass; but be sure to only SHOW the pass, DO NOT let them scan it; or you will not be able to leave and come back later. I have had this issue before, when multiple events are on the same day. Unless they have corrected/fixed the no-reentry parking policy, you have to negotiate with the attendant to let you enter without scanning the pass.
  21. The scrimmage is at 1pm @ Casey. Parking is at Dutch. Broadview will be for basketball/purple growl. You can try to park there if you have a basketball parking pass; but be sure to only SHOW the pass, DO NOT let them scan it; or you will not be able to leave and come back later. I have had this issue before, when multiple events are on the same day. Unless they have corrected/fixed the no-reentry parking policy, you have to negotiate with the attendant to let you enter without scanning the pass.
  22. From TU: "Beagle played only eight minutes, all in the first half, and wasn’t even on the bench after halftime because he “wasn’t feeling right about playing,” according to Killings." What the HE!! does that mean?? Later went on to say we will talk about it. Is Beagle sick or just sick of playing??â˜čïžđŸ„Ž
  23. No post game interview on radio. Beagle played 8 minutes, went to locker room never to return??? Jackson did not play at all & still no Amica. Agree with CT, if we ever get healthy with a full roster, I think especially at Broadview UA can beat VT. ps must play some defense though—big IF.
  24. From Wyland's report seems CBA is NOT long enough for full size football; not sure about it for lacrosse?? IF and WHEN UA builds their indoor facility NEED to be sure FULL size field! Afrims fields are large enough to accommodate regulation soccer and lacrosse; and I assume football also. UA needs to follow Afrims model. I heard a number of $6mil for the most recent Afrim's facility by the airport; but not sure if that includes their two full size outside fields or was just the cost for the indoor field house??
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