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Big Purple Fans
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Everything posted by dslyank

  1. While basically I agree more restrain and discipline should have/could have been in order. On the other hand W&M was dishing it out pretty good; as some mentioned the game was very chippy. W&M often would make the first blow and UA got caught & the penalty by retaliating. The problem is if you take the punch out of the fight, you take the "punch" out of the fight. This is ONE tough UA defense, and of course there is a time to back down to avoid a penalty; but also a time to BE TOUGH period.
  2. 2024 Roster is on UAlbanySports.com. Missing TJ Sheehan sophomore transfer from Denver. Seems odd that he would transfer again after only a year @ UA? 16g -11as; 4th on team in points last year {not outstanding #s; but offense was pretty awful overall last year 41, 39,,32 then Sheehans 27.} Anyone know if roster error, injury, transfer?? Do have a number of high potential freshman coming in. Maybe he felt the handwriting on the wall??
  3. In case anyone is interested: mens & women's soccer did not qualify for their AmEast tournaments. Volleyball is almost certain to NOT make their tournament for the second year in a row {and only the second time in their history.} To even have a remote chance they'd have to beat NH at home Sunday and UMBC on the road next weekend; AND hope NH goes no better than 1 & 3 in their last four. Then some sort of tie breaker would have to go in UA's favor?? I guess their are a couple other scenarios that could get UA in, but even more UNLIKELY than above. Hopefully football, basketball & lacrosse have turned the corner????????; but pretty much all UA secondary sports continue to decline {including cross country & even track to some extent.}🫣 "sorry" field hockey doing well!
  4. Sorry Eli; think you are totally wrong here. In fact this is exactly how Benson initially set the GDAC program up. Justin Brown with encouragement of a number of us old timers, developed the "Priority" program to insure long time donors, ticket holders and fans got treated equitably. It took almost three seasons before the program was fully initiated. During that time I sat in cheap seats and walked from a back lot off Western Ave, rather than support Bensons program. In spite of having been a donor AND season ticket holder for almost 40 years at the time {over 50 now} and in spite of contributing considerably more than the minimum GDAC requirement to "The "University Fund", I refused to participate in Benson elites program While, I do agree with you that a single total price per seat should be listed; I do not agree that priority locations, parking etc., should be based a "per year" basis. That is simply not fair to long time donor fans.
  5. I have the same mis-understanding. I am guessing Broadview parking being allocated first to those who pick seats in the gold & Purple areas, thus spending at least $250 on GDAC. Then what's left over priority ranking will determine who else gets into Broadview and who gets bumped into Dutch? This is NOT exactly how the email explains it. But when I talked to Nate a few weeks back and told him I was probably selecting WHITE seats and hence only paying $200 GDAC, he said my Priority rating would be enough to still get me into Broadview???
  6. I am not positive; but I believe the move is effective 7/1/2024. Merrimack will hence be playing lax in AmEast this winter/spring?
  7. Went to scrimmage vs LIU. QTR SCORES UA listed first: 5-0, 4-6, 1-3, 5-1. UA 15–LIU 10. might have played another qtr or 2; I left after 4th—rain started to pickup?? Cannot offer much else as no rosters available & poor lighting @ Fallon & Old EYES, pretty hard to identify #s & players. Will say this, UA offense looked very good; defense ???. Same old same old? Even though last year offense was more of an issue than defense, as I recall? I will add, game was very chippy, which was surprising with LIU coaches being former Danes & only a scrimmage, but there were a # of near brawls. Love to hear from anyone with more info on who did/score/etc; especially info on NEW GUYS. THANKS
  8. I assume that is a SEASON parking pass. The second lot of $85 is only $10 more than UA. Wonder what the individual game day parking prices?
  9. Good effort by the ladies yesterday. I have been unable to attend in person; due to a recent surgery. But have watched the stream for pretty much all games. Should have won yesterday in straight sets. Up 2-0 almost won set 3 but committed 8 service errors 🫣. Pretty much lost focus in set 4; which this team seems to do at times; but played an amazing tie breaker in set 5 in an extremely hard fought set. Good job ladies!!
  10. Only watched the first half (previous commit.) Laughed at announcers saying pass interference on Towson should have really only been a hold. 🤪 Good Win.
  11. Eli, do you know you are blocked from receiving personal email requests? If by your choice your prerogative of course. But wanted to let you know. I am pretty sure Dane Pound is no longer in charge. So far no one has come forward to confirm this
  12. Is there a new administrator running this blog? If so who? And don't we get a say in who runs this? Sent several complaints to whoever Administrator is? Have NOT received any response?
  13. I agree. I like being about 3 qtrs up & center court. But I have to admit that when I saw the corner view it was really excellent. Probably go white this year might move up to purple for comfort next year, if purple view better & more comfortable..??
  14. Somebody on this blog must know someone who can relate this ERROR to the game announcer?? Like 72 says when the opposition has a 3rd down; IT IS NOT a "UA on/with third down." I keep thinking if the UA defense on the field hears this and wonders, What the F$%^?
  15. After a good showing Friday night, UA had its troubles vs a very good, quick & experienced Navy team; and an extremely tall and physical Central Florida. CFU had two players listed @ 6'5" and at least 2 girls who could probably play line backer for UA football. In both games UA got totally dominated and perhaps intimidated in the first set. But in both matches UA fought back hard in sets 2 & 3 to at least keep the scores respectable. Still think this years group looks promising🤔. Also, #3 Kyra Wilbur freshman from Syracuse area who led the team Friday in Kills, only played briefly one set Saturday & none Sunday; and #20 Zosia Szcz. last seasons setter who shared starting setter with departing senior Stanton, did not play in the tournament at all. Anyone know if these are injury issues??
  16. Both secondaries seemed to get away with several pass interference no calls or waive offs? Anyone Know, Have they changed the rules and allowing more contact?? At one point a UA player got beat, never looked back and gave a push to the Fordham player; no call? Saw similar no calls against Fordham. Was at the game, but wondering if anyone on steam noticed these and if the announcers had any commentary?? Really seemed from Gold seat view at least 2-3 pass interference calls against Fordham not made and at least one, perhaps 2 UA got away with?? ps IMHO college football needs to change 15 yd interference call to something MORE significant! One of these days some receiver is going to be killed or seriously injured: beat badly & going for a TD, the beat defender might as well Blast the receiver and take the 15yd penalty rather than a long gain or TD.
  17. I was at the match. Obviously a little early but UA looked awfully good; in total control throughout. Will be back today at 3 to get a second look.🤩 Come support the ladies if you are free---Volleyball is a very exciting sport and non-stop action throughout.
  18. Heard from a reliable source: UNDERGRADS in Albany will absolutely be included in "College of Nanotechnology, Science, and Engineering" and fully under UAlbany administration.😀
  19. Does anyone know if Students have their own entrance gate?? Can they use their student ID at any gate to get in stadium? Can someone with a paid reserved seat, sit in the student section? My son’s girl friend is a grad student. He is not a student. They would obviously like to sit together at the game?
  20. Nice assessment overall. Think Neely will be ready, feel comments by staff on when he will be full strength are just them being overly cautious {"coach speak" if you will.} Think DK will take a giant step forward this year. Might be wishful thinking, but believe distractions will be mostly behind him; and with what appears on paper (at least) as a decent personal; and HOPEFULLY HEALTHY; he should show us some "coaching" & game strategy & adjustments??? The real elephant in the room IMHO is Reddish. Took a giant step backwards last year; when he basically had no competition for playing time; and had no one to blame but himself that he could not take the starting position & run with it.
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