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Everything posted by dslyank

  1. Last year season tickets were $100. All seats except floor were one price, no reserved seating @ HVCC. Previous year Gold seating @ SEFCU was $130 with I believe a $150/per seat GDAC requirement. [Not sure exactly because football GDAC rolled over to cover basketball--I would make a pledge that more than covered BOTH sports GDAC requirements; not exactly sure how it was allocated/dispersed.] Don't know what single game price was, because printed tickets always had different amounts listed. I did have occasion to buy GOLD single game tickets for lacrosse and they were $25 for non-premium games and $30 for premium games +2.50 service chrg. So guessing football and basketball GOLD single game tickets 2022-2023 season pretty comparable.
  2. That makes CAA $65 for the football season. Still ridiculous since the quality sucks and ESPN for 5 months (which would give you ALL sports not just football) would be less than $50 or even less if packaged with Disney . The CAA simply sucks overall IMHO. Rather than join for all sports, like some recommend; UA should just get out of it completely. Find another football league & hopefully when row gets going--NOT CAA please.
  3. 🌠🌠🌠🌠 IMHO no one on this blog is asking UA to cut prices per se. Just asking: to develop a marketing program that puts tushes in the seats and does above; and a program that does more than just rely on asking more & more from the long suffering fan/donor base.
  4. WOW! Fascinating; but what's your point. Play in front of 250 fans per game. That will go along way in getting good recruits and building back to a quality program🤑. You are certainly welcome to your opinion {not sure what it is by your post}; but a lot of us simply DO NOT feel what is happening now is working??
  5. Absolutely agree; everyone should have the right to pursue the best value for themselves. Like I said in a previous post, always felt the GDAC donations should be a personal choice and separate from seating, sports preferences, parking & other benefits; and subject to one own personal & private circumstances. OK, I get it and that is the way its played through out college athletics.. But as many have eloquently said, UA is NOT Syracuse or even close. UA athletics as many here know and are acknowledging is NOT doing well and ticket demand is NOT IN DEMAND. Call it Economics 101 or Marketing 610, those in UA Athletics and their policies are failing. OK it is what it is and we deal; but this latest GDAC bait & switch has really stung IMHO. When hoards of season ticket holders and donors were giving up on football {and RIGHTLY so}; I & I'm sure others kept our football seat and continued making our required GDAC "seat priority pledges." The pledge at least rolled over covering basketball & lacrosse seat GDAC requirements also. Now we/I find out that is no longer the case. The upcoming football season includes 5 home games, of which I definitely will be away for one game; and possibly miss another. If I had known my GDAC which I have already paid would NOT cover basketball this year, I most certainly would NOT have bought football season tickets this year. And it is a pretty save bet, I will be joining the football boycotters in the future. Just another example how the current marketing approach or lack there-of, is counter to building an overall successful athletic program. By linking the GDAC seat requirement assessment two programs you help/BUILD BOTH programs.
  6. I am NOT naive. Fully expected this. And if your #s for low range seats are correct (and I feel they probably are); then the $250 per seat price I heard for top level center court is also probably right on. My main concern is the all-sports fan, who may only be marginal interested in football perhaps will drop or reduce his/her season ticket. There is no-longer any crossover benefit or cost savings for supporting multiple sports as there was in the past. Also, the lack of urgency in upgrades to sports NOT football or basketball {i.e. Volleyball, Track, Lacrosse.} is very disappointing. footnote: in this day and age of climate change or just call it "extreme weather" {if you prefer}; a full size INDOOR practice facility is essential & IMHO should be priority ONE and not take a back seat to Broadview or Casey. If UA is to compete for the best athletes, whether it be soccer, baseball, softball or any of the "money" sports, they must be provided with practice facilities that can be used 24/7 365 days a year.
  7. Agree site lines from any section appear to be amazing. All chair backs, except student section = bleachers & eventually concert STAGE. Top level permanent chair backs & luxury boxes, lower level fold down chair backs and pull out seating sections. "BE PREPARED" {song from LION KING} to shell out BIG GDAC BUCKS. Overheard $250 per seat for top middle [NOT confirmed.] Plus football GDAC NO LONGER rolls over to basketball or lacrosse. [Each Sport with have a separate GDAC seat requirement.] A lot of work to do. Head of the project said women's scheduled first game of 11/12 is a "stretch"; but 11/29 mens' opener a lock?? OK, indoor track, indoor lacrosse & football practice facilities fans---playing devils advocate I asked where would indoor track compete this winter. Got a pretty good run around answer. "Track staff still working to find a place???" When, I pressed the issue of a time line for the indoor facility/fieldhouse/bubble; the run around was even more pronounced. The best the project manager could come up with, it all depends on money--DUH! Also, tried to find out if "Old Gym" would be available for even later part of this years Volleyball schedule. Appears un-likely?
  8. YES. I got a confirmation Tuesday for yesterday's 8/9 tour. Meet in main lobby 15 minutes before scheduled time. A couple walk-ins accommodated.
  9. Why can't they play in Broadview? Women BB in there as early as 11/7? When is old gym scheduled to be finished?
  10. This has more or less been the case since day 1 of Benson & GDAC. It pretty much has always been the case {especially if you miss a game or two) to NOT be a season ticket holder. When, I first complained years ago, I was told it is all about the "benefits" not the price? I spent the first three years after Casey was built by buying whatever section I could get in without making a GDAC donation. I continued donating to UA Athletics through the Alumni Foundation, which I have/had been doing seen 1971. Parked wherever I could for free, never minded walking. Eventually, gave up the fight. Was already donating well over the required GDAC requirements; might as well get SEFCU parking 🤪. Nevertheless,I AGREE with your assessment, that the GDAC program has been/is a terrible marketing program. I guess it has brought in a lot of money over the years {wonder how much more a real dynamic effort would have brought}. I guess we should give them credit for some of the facility improvements going on now? But overall IMHO, the GDAC program has been a dismal failure. Nearly every program {yes even track} is/has been on a downward spiral.
  11. Way to GO. Don't know if you were instrumental in getting this, but congratulations either way!
  12. A-HOLES. As performances and attendance go down in ALL UA sports; what better way to improve both, raise the commitment from long time supporters??????????😂. AND raising the commitment level in general {in times of declining interest & performance} is a "GREAT" marketing plan--NOT🤑🤑. ps Does this mean the END off the so called "PRIORITY POINTS PLAN", which has been a mystery anyhow since Justin Brown left???????????
  13. You are welcome to your opinion that something happened and I really do not want to rehash old speculations. But I will say everyone of your arguments can have very reasonable rebuttals. Innocent people take plea deals everyday, for any number of reasons. If Fiz is so open to discussion, why did he wait 4 months to discuss. As far as DK being silent, I'm not a lawyer, but pretty sure in a civil case, he is bound by law NOT to discuss the case and likewise the University. And all these assistants' that left, are now certainly free to provide expert witness against or for DK. Believe what you want. I'am waiting to hear what they and actual witness' have to say.
  14. While everyone is welcome to their opinion, I still do not see why so many automatically think DK us guilty. Is it so hard to believe that Fiz is a spoiled brat that made the whole story up. consider: one court has dismissed already; another has rejected at least ½ of Fiz's case; NOT a single shred of evidence or confirmation by a single player or witness has ever been put forward. And please do not tell me DK admitted to anything other than accidental incidental contact.
  15. ½ the suit dismissed; cleared in Kentucky; "allowed" to continue1/2. I hope Fiz's lawyers got their money up-front. Looks to me case falling apart around them😀.
  16. While I totally agree with you, that Nationally Football & Basketball far out distant Lacrosse in popularity and revenue potential. However {and again remember I admit to being Lacrosse bias}, I simply DO NOT seed UA ever being more than a mid major at best in football or basketball. Also, note I've been following both for +50 years and certainly WISH I was/am wrong. UA has been a player @ the highest level of lacrosse for almost 20 years {with some hip-ups of course.} Pretty close to a National championship more than once. Sorry just do not see this happening EVER in football or basketball.
  17. The indoor facility will greatly BENEFIT football and IS pretty much a MUST for Lacrosse; as well as being essential for track/field. IMHO being that it enhances two of the three "money" sports, I still think it more than rates priority one status. ps. before the post covid collapse Lacrosse was fast approaching football and basketball as a "revenue generating sports" at UA. Add in the PLL and NCAA Tournament host site and less operating expense {less players needed than football and scholarship $s lower} one could argue it has already surpassed football & basketball in profitability. I do not have the numbers to back this up; and maybe totally off base on this. I admittedly AM biased on Lacrosse and still think it could/should be UA's best BET to National Athletic recognition for UA.
  18. ++. The Indoor track & practice facility needs to get done yesterday. And needs to be FULL size, {NOT an 80 yd. field, as shown in previous plans??} All other projects IMHO are nice visions for the future.
  19. CW, This is more like it. You expressed your regret over summer ending and your excitement over the upcoming fall sports season. Made it worth reading this entry; not just a reposting of the schedule. THANKS
  20. So DP, I guess it is back in your hands. Can't we get the heading spruced up and the MOST important LINKS {especially ualbanysports.com} HIGHLIGHTED & expanded??
  21. Where was this posted? Also, seems low for posting rights?? I'm probably wrong, but recall the original deal seemed more lucrative and pretty sure MVP/TU/Pepsi.Knick considerably more??
  22. CW, If you have something to say about the honorees, we'd ALL appreciate your comments and input. BUT just to post a list which is easily available to everyone on this blog and more than likely already read by 99.9% of the followers of the blog, SERVES NO USEFUL PURPOSE IMHO. If you have something to say, please say it; but just posting things that are redundant and readily available, does not enhance conversation, which is what this blog is for. Simply posting scores, schedules, redundant news, does nothing to "given someone an opportunity to reflect." And I say this as a friend who appreciates and looks forward to your thoughts, opinions & ideas. But to be perfectly frank, hunting through all your post that offer nothing but scores, schedules, redundant news that is readily available is distracting.
  23. This is the first line on the heading of this Blog. Can DP or Eli or whoever is running this, perhaps make this Stand out more prominently? Also perhaps even change the LINK to read: UAlbany Athletics- America East- SCHEDULES, SCORES, NOTES. Then perhaps it would NOT be necessary for people to post redundant and needless information in the body/topics. If and when posters would like to respond and/or ADD more information, that would be encouraged. It would also save time & energy for readers/followers from tracking topics they ALREADY know about or do not care to follow. IMHO posting SCHEDULES, SCORES, NOTES without adding anything further to the topic is not the point/purpose of this blog. Encouraging conversation IMHO is NOT enhanced by simply reporting schedules, scores, etc., that are easily available/accessible elsewhere and for the most part already known by the majority of followers to this blog.
  24. YES. AND also should be working on playing an even number of home/road OOC games every year. WHY renovate Broadview and WHY buy season tickets only to see other AmEast teams, a couple DIIs & IIIs, and maybe 2-3 mid/low major DI teams {if we are lucky?}
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