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Big Purple Fans
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Everything posted by olddog71

  1. While you're at it, what about points for: (1) loyalty to team, measured in years of attendance at games (2) distance traveled to home games
  2. Ditoo. I think a good crowd could get us enough support to win against Bucknell. It would be a great start to the new season. Last season started in fits and starts. Although we lost most of the early games, we did very well (moral victories) against the best opponents, but we stank against the weaker ones. This year I want to see a lot more W's in the early going, and a good crowd could get that streak started.
  3. I just let her get up from the neighboring seat. Talk about "captive audience." Gotta go now. We're both headed to the gym. 17288[/snapback] I just told my wife the comment about your "buff" competitor. She got a real kick out of that. Nice revenge. Then she turned sad. She said she's too frail even to buff her nails.
  4. I just let her get up from the neighboring seat. Talk about "captive audience." Gotta go now. We're both headed to the gym.
  5. Well, I'm well past peak now, but I can confidently attest that my "one and only" is cuter now than the day I married her - how many decades ago?
  6. I hope that's the case. Just one serious question, though. Do you really remember much from summer orientation three/four months later?
  7. Does anyone know how much effort is being made in the student population to get out a big draw for this game? The end of last year was great, but there is a whole new freshman class, as well as transfers and other people who did not get onboard last year, to attract? We may as well set the stage for the entire season with this first game. Go, Danes!
  8. Thanks, DP, for the explanation. I'm so bad with mechanical things that I could only suspect myself. Thanks, again.
  9. Anyone know how to adjust the current clock setting. It's now around 7:50 in my time zone along the Eastern seabord, and the last poster put his message on around 8:30. I tried going to my profile and changing it, but it made matters even worse. Anyone else having trouble with the time, or am I just naturally "ahead of my time?" In order to "fix" this problem, I now live in the Central Time zone.
  10. Thanks, UAalum72, Right after I typed my question, I saw the link to the same article. I was just wondering after having someone on another board give a very detailed report on the Hartford-Siena scrimmage - complete with a score. I was wondering how this observer, if not officially connected with either school, could be giving out so much information. Thanks, again.
  11. I don't have easy access to the paper version so I really appreciate your report. I know that spectators aren't allowed, but does the media have the right to be present during these scrimmages, or does it simply schedule an interview with the coaches? Are the players allowed to comment on the match?
  12. Reeder, Good analysis. You make many good points. I'm going to be a little optimistic for the OOC season. Last year the team still didn't know how to win games. That scenario was the tradition of our time in Division I; we had never done well. I think this team will get out of the starting gate in much better fashion than last year.
  13. By the way, the title of this thread should be "Women's Purple and Gold Scrimmage." They are no longer "girls." To be honest, this mistake is something that I often have to catch myself on. Having left college several decades ago, it's easier to make this mistake.
  14. Thanks, bosiydid and Dane Pound, for your answers on the current status of the Siena game tickets.
  15. I think most UAlbany fans did not have access to center court seats. We are relegated to the sides. The match is considered a home game for the Saints, and they get the premium seats, particularly if they are season ticket holders. At the risk of flaming, the current contract between the schools ends this year, and I hope that major changes occur during the negotiations. It's about time UAlbany becomes the home team. For once, I'd like to have a better seat at that event. Paying $17 for an inferior seat is unjust when I can have a much better view and a more comfortable seat at a far cheaper price.
  16. As long as we're on the topic of Siena tickets, does anyone know how much a ticket for the UAlbany-Siena game will cost? Last year I paid $17 per ticket. According to today's article, the average cost for the 4-game ticket will be $15 ($60 divided by the four games). The article then went on to state that the $60 price is a savings of $44. That means that the normal price for the 4 games would be $104. Does it then follow that purchasing 1 ticket for 1 game will cost me $26 this year? If so, that's a big ripoff. Has anyone purchased tickets for the UAlbany-Siena game yet? If so, how did you do it? Buy through our Athletic Office?
  17. It's been a while since anyone posted on this topic, but it might be worthwhile and fun to update this board on the list. Collegehoops.net still has to bring up the last 21 of its list of what it believes are the 144 best men's college basketball teams for the coming season. I'm listing only the teams on our schedule for this season and our ranking. 33 - UConn 58 - Bucknell 90 - Ulbany 129 - Siena Last year's opponent, San Diego State, was listed in this year's ranking at 50. Evidently, Florida will be included in the teams remaining to be ranked.
  18. I'm sure he'll get over it. (Pun intended.) Thanks for the reports on the scrimmage. Glad to hear our freshmen are all involved in play.
  19. Although some of us may have some questions on this issue, I'm confident Brown and McElroy know what they are doing. They are aware of situations where we don't have complete knowledge. I have confidence in our coach and staff.
  20. I think Doc Sauers led a team of players to Poland in the mid- to late-70's. Does that count?
  21. My advice is: don't worry about Siena. As of a couple hours ago, few people had even bothered to post to the topic. One of them even commented to the effect that the matter wasn't worth worrying over from the UAlbany standpoint. He's correct in his judgment. I'm more worried about what kind of effect prospective players and parents of players think about the statistics. And that problem will disappear in the coming years as the current academic success of our athletes comes to the fore. As others here have noted, UAlbany's current graduation rate and number of athletes who do well in the classroom certainly belies the negative report we witnessed today.
  22. Interesting. Not a word in the article about Central Connecticut. Not a word.
  23. I personally just don't understand the purpose of the report. All the data is so dated. What is the real purpose of issuing such reports to the public on information that is so old. None of the students sampled is still enrolled. Few of the administrators or coaches are still in place. What is the report supposed to accomplish? With all the money the NCAA has, it certainly has computers powerful enough to digest all the data it is fed from all its member schools on all their athletes and present information that is much more current. We should be able to view data already on students who just graduated last spring. Like some of the others who have already posted on this topic, I question the motives of the Times Union and Mark Singelais for (1) posting the data and (2) putting us and Siena together. I thought the newspaper wasn't supposed to engage in this sibling rivalry garbage.
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