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Big Purple Fans
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Everything posted by olddog71

  1. The women have already won four times as many games this season as they did in all of last season. They can also score. Dane96 was very correct when he said the current coach might begin to turn things around.
  2. Didn't the Siena women host Maryland last year at the ARC? I can't think of a venue in Siena's schedule that would draw more fans than that ACC team. I don't think either Siena or UAlbany women draw enough fans for a game at the Pepsi (Knick, Times Union Center, whatever) - unless it's a doubleheader - that would warrant playing the game in downtown Albany. I think it's also time for Siena to show a little respect for the UAlbany women and let each team host the event in alternate years. But then I've had the same opinion about the men's game as well.
  3. Quackman, You're absolutely right when you state that a kid should do what's right for him, especially still at our level of basketball where most kids will earn most of their life's income from something other than basketball, or, for that matter, from any aspect of sports. The quote came from the Voy Smack forum. Thanks for a fair appraisal of the situation. And, I think, Siena, over the last few decades, has put on a more successful basketball program, in terms of wins and losses, than Colgate.
  4. Or how about this quotation from another Siena poster: "The kid apparently is not what we were looking for otherwise he would have chosen us over Colgate. Obviously, he recognized how much of a battle he faced with all the talent Siena was accumulating and didn't feel up to the challenge. Best we found out now what the kid was made of. We wish him the best of luck on a much inferior team. Obviously the kid sucked and was not someone we really wanted anyway." The quotation explains itself. Talk about arrogance. The kid gets no credit for having other reasons for rejecting Siena, like a degree from Colgate might hold more water than one from Siena.
  5. I agree that all athletic programs need to progress from infant Division I stage to a more mature status. I'm putting my faith in Dr. McElroy to adjust personnel as needed. We're all aware of his desire to improve the men's basketball program. I believe he wants to improve the competitiveness of all programs. In the meantime, I wish the women's team a lot of success this year.
  6. Let's remember one thing about the women's team before the criticism gets too high. The women, in a sense, have been competing at a higher level than the men have. The RPI for the AE is higher than it is for the men. I don't exactly recall how high the women achieved last season, but teams like Hartford, Binghamton, UNH, Maine, and Vermont have been quite successful in recent years. Perhaps you're correct that changes have to be made, but I think it's a little unfair to compare them closely with the men, as much as the men have improved.
  7. The Times-Union reported today that UAlbany signed a star local player for the 2007-08 year. http://www.timesunion.com/AspStories/story...sdate=9/24/2006 Albany had great competition for the left-handed pitcher, including Connecticut, East Carolina, Vermont, Manhattan and Siena. Congratulations, UAlbany baseball fans!
  8. The Times-Union reported today that UAlbany signed a star local player for the 2007-08 year. http://www.timesunion.com/AspStories/story...sdate=9/24/2006 Albany had great competition for the player. Congratulations, UAlbany baseball fans!
  9. What's happening vs CCSU? I can't receive the radio feed, and CBS.Sportsline has UAlbany ahead with 5 minutes left to go.
  10. Yes, you, Patch, and I valiantly tried to get across your message about UAlbany crowds, epecially at the BPG, but we were just hooted down by people unfamiliar with the event. It's amazing how people have such strong opinions about events that haven't taken place yet and have so little regard for a differing outlook. Oh, well, they were forewarned. I just wish Al and his team would come in here that day as unprepared as these experts seem to be.
  11. I like how the Times-Union's article began today: "The University at Albany men's basketball team on Thursday released this season's schedule, which includes the most appealing package of home games in the program's history." This statement alone should spur ticket sales.
  12. The complete schedule for the men's team was announced today. http://www.albany.edu/sports/stories.htm#2007_mbbsked The composite league schedule is also available.
  13. ASP Guy, First of all, welcome to Big Purple Fans! I'm with Dane96 on the issue of student interest in athletics. The students are the ones who should take responsibility for their own quality of life. Don't blame people in the athletic administration for the apathy. Those people work their butts off promoting UA athletics, and then they go home to their families. Aren't students supposed to go to school to learn and do research? They can do a little work on their own to discover the school's heritage instead of sitting back in their little groups and complaining about how others don't approach them. Too bad that we're not playing the Top Ten in the nation in every sport every match. Somehow that doesn't wash with me. Can you honestly tell me, though, how many students were aware of the game when we played UCLA last season in men's basketball? I'll tell you all of us posters - even though we aren't on campus - knew exactly when the game was on, and we were here listening. Back when I was in school (oh, there he goes again), a lot of us knew when, for example, we were playing Hartwick in BB, because it was an honor as a D III school to be playing someone higher up. We couldn't believe that we were playing Ithaca in football after only a couple years we had left club football status. We were thrilled to play Brockport and Potsdam when they were only D III powers, and the gym (capacity 2,800) was packed with standing-room-only crowds when the student enrolment was much smaller. You're hearing just poor excuses why many students won't attend today's higher profile matches. Especially, when the better product today still charges no admission! On the contrary, I was thrilled beyond belief when I heard 750-800 kids camped out near the gym in early March to get tickets. I guess there's hope after all. You can tell your friends how proud some of the alumni were to hear about this event and the school spirit it engendered. I know I'm preaching to the choir on this topic, but there is little real excuse for student apathy today in regard to UAlbany athletics today.
  14. If you're looking for something unique, that nickname's our advantage. Hard to believe, but as of a year ago, we were the only Great Danes in the country.
  15. Dane Pound and UAalum72, Thanks for your news on the Delaware game. Dane Pound, thanks for alerting us to UAalum72's report of his journey down to Blue Hen land. I'm sure that many of us would have missed his report if you hadn't pointed the way for us. And, once again, thanks for running this site. You deserve every plaudit that comes your way. Even my wife really appreciates the "fording" the Delaware picture. UAalum, thanks for writing the report on the game. Your words and pics really brought the game to life for me, who was following it only on cbs.sportsline.com. Your trip home took only 4½ hours? Yes, sounds like it really was easy.
  16. Olddog, did they say 'create' or 'operate' the website? Because my biggest complaint about the current one is CONTENT. A month into the football season, there's no excuse for still having last year's media guide online. A year after they started playing games on it, there's no excuse not to have pictures of the new field hockey and lacrosse fields on the facilities page. If there's a new web site design with the same attention paid to content, the streaming video will only be shown in archives after the season's over. 16339[/snapback] UAalum72, I believe I heard "operate," but I could be wrong. Good technical point. (Guess I wouldn't make a great "star" witness in a trial.) You make excellent points about: (1) lack of a media guide this far into the season (2) failure to take advantage of improved facilities to bring into the public eye. Poor tool for recruiting. I sure hope the streaming isn't an archive. I was disappointed the university could not make available videos of the last 2 men's basketball games vs VT and UConn to the public. I'll bet the university could have sold quite a few copies. The university has made major strides in the last few years in athletics, but there is still work to be done.
  17. I did not really catch the name of the network that was mentioned. It was not any of the big name networks, I think. And it wasn't CSTV, either. I believe I heard NETV. I'm really reluctant to provide even this info. I'm sure we'll hear which network very soon, probably when the whole schedule is announced.
  18. I just got off the phone with the Ticket Office. Here is some information I heard this afternoon. (1) As everyone knows, ticket sales are brisk. Almost all the chairback seats have been sold. Only single seats remain in that seating area. Non-chairback tickets are also selling. (2) The basketball schedule should be released by the end of next week. The reason for the holdup is because of the league which is finalizing a TV contract. Again, most of us here are aware of this info. (3) The TV contract has been held up not only by the Big East schedule, which we have already heard has now been finalized, but by other leagues who have a higher priority than the AE. (4) UAlbany should get "5 or 6" televised games through this contract this season. (5) A new company has been hired by UAlbany to operate the athletic website. We've already heard this info. It may take a year or two to set up, but the company will provide "streaming" for people who log on. We will be able to see and hear games in progress. I'm assuming this enhancement relates only to home games. Hopefully, this information will clarify some of the issues.
  19. bob87, You just hit on one of my pet peeve's about today's society. (Oh, no, here he goes again.) Blame the people most who are responsible, those who exercise poor judgment. My prayers also go to the people injured, and not only for their physical wounds but also for other aspects of their health. It was just announced that two other people were arrested for the shooting. This development comes after the arrest of a 19-year old woman who is being charged as an "accomplice."
  20. statefan, Thanks for your comments on the ceremony. It speaks volumes when individuals travel so far to pay tribute. I wish Ryan could come back to become President of the University. Hall's shoes will be extremely difficult to fill, but I thought Ryan also brought inspired leadership to the campus. I know it's impossible for this to happen, but UAlbany has been fortunate to have two very dedicated leaders at the helm, albeit for such short times.
  21. In a completely unrelated side of the Mensah story is a little humorous tidbit. The Daily News article quoted Kojo's brother, who also goes by the name Kojo. It reminds me of the old Bob Newhart show where the spokesman for the workers' family introduced himself. "Hi, I'm Larry, and here's my brother Darryl, and my other brother Darryl." Just another bizarre side to a story that already goes beyond bizarre.
  22. UA66, Yep, remember that game. I also attended an Albany game at Alfred when the weather was not the best. Was the game at Albany the match where one of the Albany guys with the ball fell and slid on his butt over two 5-yard markers? Funny! (I could have said "Fanny!")
  23. UAalum72, Thanks for the information on the Maine game. I remember that the game was very close. So much for my memory, however, on the score settling in the 20's. And just think, my short-term memory is even worse. Once again, thanks for your research.
  24. We played Maine once 20+ years ago. There's even more compelling reason to play each other now. You proposed a good idea of alternating SUNY opponents until we're all in a league that many of us dream to have that plays each other every year.
  25. If I remember the Maine game correctly, the game ended on a bizarre note. One team - I think it was Maine - kicked a field goal as time expired, but an offside call gave the team the chance to kick the FG again, and this time the Albany defenders came to the rescue and prevented the score. Albany won the game by either one or two points and pulled the upset. I may have these details totally screwed up; it happened so long ago.
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