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Big Purple Fans
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Everything posted by olddog71

  1. Oldtimer, You make many good points about the difference in support between the two schools. Until I was reading this forum, I didn't realize that UA even sold tickets to the events. I've already read UA posters on this forum say that they had bought tickets from Siena for a variety of reasons (possibly better seats, take away from their allotment, etc.). The whole ticket issue is irrelevant in my mind as to which school gets whatever number of tickets. Siena doesn't set any conditions for other schools it plays at the TUC, so why should we be different? You're right, on many levels all these comparisons are idiotic.
  2. Here's my two cents on the contract issue. I think the game should continue to be played at the TUC. The telling point to me is the number of people (from the community) who are willing to see the game. If both teams hadn't had horrible records, I think this year's game would have attracted even more people. I understand the desire to see a game at SEFCU. If our fans made up 3/4 of the audience, that place would really be rocking, and it would serve as an incentive to get even more fannies into the seats at other games. The idea that simply because the TUC is the only venue that can hold such a crowd and the fact that it just happens to also be Siena's home court doesn't necessarily mean that Siena is fated to be the home team year after year. Their fans just simply don't get it that the current arrangement is unique in this country and that they are supremely spoiled by the deal. The home team should alternate every year. Season ticket holders for the home team that year should get some priority. The season ticket holders for the away team shouldn't have any advantages. Let's say UA is the home team for the 2015 game. UA fans will get the ringside seats, and all Siena ticket holders will get the scraps. Too bad if they don't like it. Maybe some of them will realize how lucky they've had it for 14 years. For me, becoming the home team is the most important change I want to see made to the next contract, even if it means playing downtown. If the other school isn't willing to make that change, then drop them.
  3. I'm glad to see the passion on this board this year for a more equitable contract with Siena. I don't think I've observed this much dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs since the rivalry was renewed. To me, it marks a great step in maturity on our part. We're disgusted with the current conditions, and we're not going to take it any more. With the new AD, I think we're finally going to see a positive change here.
  4. King Dane, I most definitely remember the two games you are citing. They were some of my best UA basketball memories. It was always great to beat that arrogant team. Do you remember the game played at University Gym, also in the 1970's, which UA won by one point? Albany rallied late in the game. The fans were so into the game that -- as someone who was acquainted with the referees told me later -- the refs could not hear each other blow the whistle. Not before or since then have I seen so much support for an athletic team as at that game. Perhaps the time we hosted UVM in the league championship game comes close.
  5. All I can say is "Wow!" I was somewhat following the scores at the beginning of the second half and had to do other things when we fell behind by 20. I cannot believe that the final score was that close. What caused the turnaround? Whatever it is I hope it gets repetition the rest of the season.
  6. I couldn't follow the game tonight because of another commitment, so it was great to come here and see all the comments. They tell a good story about the flow of the game tonight. I love the optimism expressed here tonight about this team; with so many new players it's great to see how well they already play together.
  7. Congrats to another Lady Danes team. And good luck in the next game!
  8. You're right. Better seats. Seeing the other fans relegated to the back rows behind the baskets would also be priceless.
  9. Story from the Hartford Courant: http://www.courant.com/sports/college/hc-central-connecticut-football-0907-20140906,0,2186668.story
  10. If so, let's hope it is a home game. Looks like a lot of time on the road.
  11. Is this year the first year that UA has been ranked above Syracuse in the final poll?
  12. I see from the Times Union this morning that at least one of Siena's games in the CBI Tournament will be held at Siena's own gym because the Times Union Center is unavailable on the date(s) needed. Maybe Siena should look at hosting the game(s) at SEFCU since it's the second largest venue in the Capital District.
  13. I'd like Orlando. Nice this time of year. Since we are going to back-to-back NCAA's, perhaps a 15 seed might not be out of the question. Just don't look closely at our record.
  14. I'm just wondering whether the issues of mediocre regular season and an injury-plagued team aren't somehow closely related. I think Will Brown really pushes his team during practice all season, and maybe a lot more then other AE coaches. That practice intensity and the resulting injuries might explain why our regular season record isn't so hot. But, as the last two seasons have shown, the greater intensity and conditioning pay off at conference time. I'm just very relieved that everyone on the team seems to be relatively healthy now - great timing!
  15. It's interesting to see all the comments made by UVM supporters on the AE forum about their loss yesterday. Most of the supporters blame the home court advantage and pay only lip service to the preparation and effort made by our team.
  16. Perhaps Becker should be focusing on getting UVM to build a better arena. Then they could host the AE Tournament if the format reverts back to the style of the last few years.
  17. Dane4ever, Thoughtful last post. Everyone else made valid points one way or the other, too. I think there are so many factors involved in deciding when to pull your starters. You certainly don't want to leave in your elite players and play to the point of absolutely humiliating another team. The desire for payback can be a powerful tool the next time around. I think Coach Brown played it well yesterday. It must have been great for the bench players to get in a number of minutes in the game, especially in a tournament game. They will remember those minutes for quite a while. It's also important to rest the starters, particularly for this afternoon. Thanks for your perspective on faculty sentiments toward athletics.
  18. I hope we find Binghamton's secret vs UVM this afternoon, without going into OT. I am just so happy whenever we beat that team.
  19. Any idea of ticket sales so far? In some years, if I recall correctly, BPG was already sold out at least a day before the event.
  20. One argument missing from the Times Union opinion is the avearge annual cost of maintaining a football stadium at UA. I think that replacing a stadium only every 40-plust years is not an extravagant expense. Add to the cost of building the brand new stadium the annual cost of maintenance of it, then the total cost would be only a small fraction of the cost compared to the total cost at other schools which make major renovations and complete remakes. UA's football facilities would seem to be quite a bargain.
  21. Thanks, UAalum, Today was especially confusing because the half-time scores were the same. When I went away from the game for most of the second half, I had no idea how things were going. Sports Network also had the correct score. Thanks again for making me not feel so crazy. I have enough reasons to be suspicious of my sanity.
  22. I am very confused about the results from the two basketball games today. Both men and women played at 2 pm, and according to some websites I've seen both the men and women won by a score of 84-56. Am I reading that information correctly, or is one of the websites incorrect?
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