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Keep Will Brown!!!!!

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Can't hurt to email Hall/McElroy to express our feelings. Here's my email to Pres. Hall and his response...


"I hope your weekend went well and a big congratulations to you and the

University for our first sell-out of the RACC for a UAlbany game! I just

wanted to email you as a student to express my support for Coach Brown as

the right person to continue leading our men's basketball team.


I think the progress made by the team, the flagship sport at an

institution like ours, has been truly amazing under Coach Brown's

leadership these past five years, including an ever-promising future. In

my four years at UAlbany the difference in this team is simply astounding;

something that is great for the University and the Capital Region

community. I know I express the sentiments of the vast majority, if not

all, of my fellow students with these comments.


I look forward to having you and Dr. McElroy keep Coach Brown around for a

number of years to come! :)"




"Thanks for your words of support for coach Brown. We are all proud of what

has and, we hope, will be accomplished."

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Totally undue pressure!!!!!!


What program in this conference has come the furthest in the last 3 years???


This year PreSeason #1 AE, an invite to the Coaches vs Cancer, 4-0 vs SUNY's, Nationally Televised Bracket Buster Game, more DI wins than ever, a sold out BPG and again a fine recruiting class.


Who would have imagined that 3 short seasons ago when we finished a game with 4 on the floor at Hartford, that in such a short period of time the program would garner so much respect..


I don't know what's the matter, but is it time let this young, successful coach go and break everything down so it can be built again?



Being this is a contract thread does anyone out there know.........


1. What type of contracts did Stony Brook, UVM and UNH give their new coaches in regards to length and monies?


2. How long does Al Walker's deal at Bing last and what's it worth?


3. Dennis Wolffe, what type of deal does he have at BU?


Last year the Danes finished 4th in the Conference (top half of AE) this year it seems they will finish in the top half again. If Brown were to be re-signed(????) I would imagine he should be rewarded with a contract similar to those who finished in the top half of the AE the past two years.


Any thoughts???????

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I'm a Will Brown fan, and would sign him at the end of the season to a three year deal at market rate for a young coach in the AE conference. My sense is Brown likes it here and wants to keep building the program. From a business standpoint, there is no need to give him a five year deal. If Danes win 20+games the next two years, Brown will be a hot commodity, and will move on to a bigger program. College coaching is fraught with risk and job insecurity unless you're Jim Boeheim or Coach K.


For whatever reason , McElroy isn't fully committed to Brown. If we win 18-19 games this year, and make the tourney, McElroy will have no choice and will probably have to pay a premium over what he could have signed Brown for before this season.


The open question is what McElroy will do if we win 18-19 games, but lose in the AE tournament (especially before the final). I'd hate to see it, but McElroy might use "underachieving" as an excuse not to resign Brown.

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It would be real hard at this time to understand why a new contract isn't around the corner. He has shown maturity and patience with the team. Has Jamar under control and has controlled Levi's emotions without loss of intensity. The tournament should not be a factor in his contract. We have a very young team to say to them you have to win or your coach is gone. The lack of a future contract puts undo pressure on this team and this coach for the tournament.

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The team is finally on a roll now, the last thing I think anyone wants is to have the players thinking that they need to play for the coach, if they start to force things who knows what will happen. I think it would not be a bad idea for Dr. McElroy to either sign the coach now and get it over with before the tourney so its not an issue, or at least make a statement that he is happy with the performance of the team and will work on the contract after the season ends whenever that may be. This complete silence from the University is somewhat disappointing and unnerving to say the least. To be a successful D1 program you not only need good coaches and atheletes, you need a good administration that supports the team when they meet and/or exceed expectations.

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GDG and all

Please understand that the response to emails to president Hall are rarely written by him. There is a small team of professionals who speak on the president's behalf as a response to almost all emails. This should not be a shock to anyone, in any type of large organization there are people who screen and respond to the top Dog's emails, snail mail, phone calls and visitors. Believe me, I wish I had that help at work. As for this particular response, we can read nothing more into it than a pat answer to any inquiry on the contract status of Coach Brown (rahrah). That said, I would also encourage all fans to email the president and Dr McElroy, with support for Coach Brown. Communication does matter - and a rising tide will make a difference.

I believe that Dr McElroy (who is now a Vice President - don't forget) has already decided that he wants Coach to stay at Albany. When the one year extension was finished, Dr McElroy said in an interview with Singelais, in the Times Useless, that he was taking a gamble. He explained that depending on how the season worked out that he would be able to sign Brown for less (if expectations were not met) or he might find himself in a bidding war for Will's services. Is this undue pressure on the team - I don't think so. As I said - It appears that Dr McElroy has made his choice - all that remains is how much and for how long.

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GDG and all

Please understand that the response to emails to president Hall are rarely written by him.  There is a small team of professionals who speak on the president's behalf as a response to almost all emails.  This should not be a shock to anyone, in any type of large organization there are people who screen and respond to the top Dog's emails, snail mail, phone calls and visitors.  Believe me, I wish I had that help at work.  As for this particular response, we can read nothing more into it than a pat answer to any inquiry on the contract status of Coach Brown (rahrah).  That said, I would also encourage all fans to email the president and Dr McElroy, with support for Coach Brown.  Communication does matter - and a rising tide will make a difference.

I believe that Dr McElroy (who is now a Vice President - don't forget) has already decided that he wants Coach to stay at Albany.  When the one year extension was finished, Dr McElroy said in an interview with Singelais, in the Times Useless, that he was taking a gamble.  He explained that depending on how the season worked out that he would be able to sign Brown for less (if expectations were not met) or he might find himself in a bidding war for Will's services.  Is this undue pressure on the team - I don't think so.  As I said - It appears that Dr McElroy has made his choice - all that remains is how much and for how long.



Very good points. I agree that it's more a matter of how long and how much. Rationally, it's obvious to see the huge improvements that the team has made under Coach Brown. That, combined with the OVERWHELMING support for him, would make it very hard to not bring him back. Seriously, the higher-ups are smart enough to know that while winning and losing is certainly very important, building support and interest in the team (for a level like ours) is arguably just as important. This is something Coach Brown as done AMAZINGLY well. I really have never heard anything negative said about Coach Brown (personally or professionally) by any fans or students. If this was an Al Walker type situation where there is talk of dislike in some circles, it would theoretically be easier to say 'well, the results aren't there..sorry,' but it's just not the same case with Coach Brown.


In all honesty, I didn't expect anything less from Hall's response email..just like sarge said. I think it's totally appropriate to hope for and expect more growth and continuing improved results. Again, the discussion really should be how much and how long..not if. We should be happy for Coach Brown. With each win, that future salary figure for him slowly inches up! :)

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Good points from Sarge and GDG.


As much as I'd like to see Brown back I think it would be a tremendous distraction for them to try and negotiate a deal during the season. Especially with the ESPN game, a bunch of road games and the tourney looming. It would be a disservice to Coach Brown and the team to get involved in that now. I'm confident it will happen but should wait until after the season when there is more time and not so many other things going on.


The other thing I'd like to see is to keep this staff together in it's entirety. From my vantage point Eaton, O'Donnell and Fillien have made some big strides with this group of players. It seems like when you bring new assistants in there is a substantial period of time when they have to learn the personnel and what they're capable of. It'd be great to start the season with a coaching staff that's familar with the returning players and some of the players they helped recruit.

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Here is a quote from McElroy when he signed Brown to his one year deal in August.


"I am pleased with the recent progress the program has made," McElroy said. "Coach Brown has done a wonderful job of rebuilding through the recruiting process, and our student-athletes are excited about the possibilities this year. He also has taken steps to upgrade the quality and professionalism of his coaching staff."


I find the professionalism of his coaching staff comment to be the most interesting. There have definetly been issues with assistant coaches that McElroy wanted to see Brown address. From what I can see from the performance of Filien and Eaton, I think he has done a good job. Has Brown created an atmosphere where Filien and Eaton will want to come back?..hopefully. Does Brown manage his assistants well?...I don't know but I think McElroy is looking at this more than you might think.


As for recruiting McElroy got to see one more recruiting class from Brown and based on what I here... Brown did a very good job yet again.


As for the on the court stuff... I honestly think the offense is a bit flawed by design. I'd like to see some growth there. I'd also like to see some better things from the team when they are coming out of time out situations.


Since I’m making a wish list...I'd like to hear more of the coaches messages come through in player interviews. For instance in today's TU Levi said something along the line of..." we'll be alright playing the last 5 of 6 on the road" I'd like to hear something more along the lines of "it will take a greater commitment on defense and good execution to continue our current success on the road"


I know these are small things but I think that’s what separates Brown from a guy like McCaffery right now. When all is said and done, I’d love to have Brown back…I think he will want to be back and I think the administration will want him back.

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All of you posters have made many salient points about retaining Coach Brown after this season. I am with you.


In short, Brown may have committed a couple stumbles in past seasons, but this year he has done nothing either major or middle-major wrong with this program. In short, he has grown in his job. In a major way. He is a work in progress who has already shown major improvement and whose program has made dramatic strides.


As an educator - which I hope everyone in the UAlbany administration also considers himself to be, this factor is the most important in judging personnel.

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NYR - Hind sight is always better than foresight if the Albany Fans, and the AE Coaches knew in the preseason that Jordan and Iati would both have unexpected sub par years do you think expectations would have been so high for the Danes???


I respect your opinion but here's the view from where I watch and listen to the games.


As for the on the court stuff... I honestly think the offense is a bit flawed by design. I'd like to see some growth there. - NYR


From the AE website


Through games of February 5, 2006


SCORING OFFENSE                                                 

# Team                  G  W-L  Pts Avg/G                     


1.UMBC................ 10  4-6  668  66.8                     

2.Albany.............. 11  9-2  732  66.5                     

3.Hartford............ 10  5-5  654  65.4                     

4.Binghamton.......... 10  7-3  636  63.6                     

5.Vermont............. 10  5-5  627  62.7                     

6.Maine............... 11  4-7  683  62.1                     

7.Stony Brook......... 10  2-8  606  60.6                     

8.New Hampshire....... 11  6-5  666  60.5                     

9.Boston University... 11  5-6  618  56.2


We're .3ppg from leading the Conference in scoring and two of our primary weapons are shooting blanks.


I honestly think the offense is a bit flawed by design - NYR


In a way you're actually correct we have no inside offensive presence. Zo has done a great job clogging the middle and has improved greatly on the offensive end but he is no Adeleke or Gardner. Brent is still a perimeter guy who has added some post up this year but remember he's only a soph.


In spite of having a weak offensive inside presence we lead the conference in FT attempts by quite a margin.....


From the AE site...



# Team                  G    FTM  FTA  Pct


1.New Hampshire....... 11    155  190  .816

2.Binghamton.......... 10    126  166  .759

3.Maine............... 11    136  191  .712

4.Albany.............. 11    191  278  .687

5.Vermont............. 10    132  208  .635

6.Boston University... 11    116  185  .627

7.Hartford............ 10    123  199  .618

8.UMBC................ 10    119  197  .604

9.Stony Brook......... 10    88  146  .603



I'd also like to see some better things from the team when they are coming out of time out situations. - NYR


There's just too many timeouts - I can't remember all the timeout situations but the ones that stick out in my head are from tough losses.......


1. Sacred Heart - final posession we get the ball to Lu and he bobbles it out of bounds. Getting a preseason 1st Teamer the ball deep on the baseline at home you expect to get a good shot or a foul call.


2. Siena - final posession in regulation you get the ball to your BEST player and rather than shoot right away he attempts to draw contact.


3. UNH - at the end of regulation coming out of the TO Iati is freed for a wide open three and just misses


Sometimes good plays are determined by if the shot goes in or not !!!!


Hindsight is better than foresight. I guess the coach should have called a different players number.


The great thing about being a fan is that "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder"


Everygame I listen to or see - I second guess the coaches and players decisions but when I view this season overall I believe the Danes have done a good job of overcoming adversity and tough situation. I'd love to see them continue being successful.


It looks like it's on to Maine without Brent Wilson and hopefully with Brian Lillis.

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