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Everything posted by danefan

  1. I believe it would need to be approved by the SUNY board and the legislature. If so, I wouldn't expect anything to be formalized until 2015 budget time.
  2. Look at Penn State as a model. They took in Dickinson Law (small private school) and did it well. Really elevated the law school.
  3. We already have joint degree programs. This should be a complete acquisition. Keep the Dean of Albany Law as the Dean of the William B McKinley school of law at the University at Albany. review and retain law school professors which are (1) competent and (2) not redundant. UA has a number of professors in our Crim Justice school that may be better qualified to teach criminal law subjects under a law school. Albany Law has some professors that could teach Poly Sci/Public Policy/Govt Affairs undergrad and grad courses at Rockellor. Etc etc.
  4. Albany Law gets: 1. Inclusion in a research university umbrella (a factor in US News rankings that hurts Albany Law now) 2. Some state funding is better than $0 they get now. 3. Access to education/research resources not available. 4. Access to student amenities available to SUNY students. 5. Economy of scale UAlbany gets: 1. A professional school that we so badly need 2. Access to alumni that on average have higher lifetime earnings 3. Ties into some of the most influential leaders in NY (a lot of them are Albany Law grads - Cuomo for one....) That's just off the top of my head. The two keys: Albany Law needs to get under a Research University and UAlbany needs a professional school.
  5. Why? I'm an Albany Law alumni and have actively lobbied for this combination for a few years. Most people in the legal industry outside of the capital region already think the schools are the same. Despite the fact that most lawyers are terrible businessmen, there is no denying the synergies and cost savings in this combination. There is no good argument against it from Albany Law's perspective.
  6. Pic on FB today showing progress. Hard to see really what they're doing but it's definitely progress and it definitely looks different than the last set. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=719516704774423&substory_index=0&id=113363358723097
  7. It takes about a week to install temporary bleachers. There is no way they start the season without them. I have zero doubt.
  8. Nothing specific to the visitors bleachers. Coach Gattuso did mention in his speech that Pres Jones has spoken to him about continuing to expand the stadium when the time is right. So he is still thinking expansion at some point.
  9. Clay Harris is a loss. Plus his father was a good guy and helped with our tailgates. I wonder what his deal was.
  10. I find it interesting that McElroy is clearly trying to paint the picture of Jones having lack of vision on athletics. Pot meet kettle. How many years did we ask for a plan. How many years did we get nothing. Having to search through hundreds of pages of budget documents for any bit of info. McElroy could have easily stood up like other SUNY ADs and said "This is what I want our athletic department to look like and I'm going to work within the university and outside it to get that done." Did anyone ever hear that?
  11. Sorry. I'll never be convinced that a kid would be out recruited by JFF vs a quality stadium that may have been built in 2008. Just an opinion of course.
  12. I don't see that as a positive. Never have. How is having good facilities a negative? John Fallon field was a complete waste of money. No one will ever convince me otherwise. That money should have been focused on a phased-in multi use stadium and a turf practice field. We ended up 10 years behind because of it and the pie in the sky $60m stadium dream. That's on McElroy. I've always been a vocal opponent to it.
  13. We'll at least that's what he told me. I may be misremembering. Doesn't really matter anyway. He likes sports. He doesn't think they're end all be all, but an important part of the university.
  14. What I meant was he is not a fan of sports as in he doesn't follow it as like a die hard fan. Also did not play any sports. Didn't mean that he doesn't support athletics. He grew up in Georgia and played baseball his whole life. Chose a life of science over pursuing lower level college sports.
  15. I played 18 holes of golf with him last year. He's pro athletics. I wouldn't say he's a fanatic but he understands the importance and role of athletics in a university experience. He is also realistic about Albany's place in the world of DI athletics. That's all we can ask for.
  16. Agreed. Marketing, marketing, marketing. I'd like to see someone young and energetic with an athletic playing background in a revenue driving sport. Not a life long administrator. Oh and I will definitely apply for it.
  17. I'd like to see an AD with major college football experience. Assoc AD at a P5 school. Someone that knows now to run a stadium and market an athletic department.
  18. Leanne Wirkulla named as interim AD. Telling that no one inside the department. I'd expect a full regime change. Wirkulla is Dr Jones chief of staff and a former colleague from Minnesota. She was head of Athletic Marketing at one point there.
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