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The team looked good last night especially in the second half. They were a bit weak on the boards in the first and really turned it on in the second.


It was great to be at game for the first time in over a year and half. Injury kept me sidelined last season.


Few notes:


I liked how Jacob was gaining control of the game, he is growing into the 9th man very quickly.


Black looked to be moving nicely in his track suit, with a slight hint of a limb, clearly there was no reason to push it and dress him last night.


Jacob has that spring shot that his brother has especially from the outside, it's almost like he is fighting the ball.


My daughter had a great time last night and is the new President of the Blake Metcalf Fan Club, as a Dad I'm real worried when the almost 8 year old asked if she could have Blake at her birthday party. I'm in trouble with this one.


It was good to see many of the familiar faces on the road and I plan on making a few more road games (including the MSG and Sea Monkey games).


I don't know if Matt (Class of 2032) is ready for games yet but I would expect to see more of Kate (Class of 2025) at games. I'm thinking that the 18th versus MSM might be her first home game (I might need 2 tickets A92?)


See you all soon!





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UAlbany defense hangs onto lead - great headline in the T-U on a 26-point win


I thought the same thing when I cracked open the paper this morning. (I've mysteriously been getting weekend delivery for the past month?). I mean who doesn't call an 18-2 second half run "hanging on"???


As for the game itself...clearly a W is good, anyway we can take it. I was pleased with the obvious performances (Logan, Blake, and Tim). I was pleasantly suprised with Iati, The reality is he's small, but he played "big" last night and it showed, hopefully he's able to play at that level against better teams. The offense looked...better, hopefully not just because we played an inferior team. I saw flashes of what we've all been screaming for more than a year now, ATTACKING the hoop. Logan, Tim, and even Ralph showed some offensive aggression. Does this have anything to do with Blake having his best game so far this year?? We shall see...


I am still VERY concerned about Puk and Devlin however. In my opinion Puk looks lost at all times, looks like he's just playing not to mess up. No aggression, no awareness, he gets a hand on a lot of boards....only to fumble it out of play or into an opponents hands, he gets beat on D constantly not because he lacks the physical abilities, but because he's so damn hesitant it seems. His minutes have been trending downward so perhaps CB see's this too? Devlin's concerns me too because he looks confused and overwhelmed. I believe he's got the physical tools to be good, but I think he really needs to some work honing them in. I mean I saw the guy working the three point line like it was the lane last night. You don't bump with a big man and have your back to the hoop beyond the arc when you're on offense. He does silly things like this constantly. Maybe it's just an adjustment process. I remember he admitted that playing here was a lot tougher because he's not the biggest guy on the court like he was down under. Maybe it's a reason to be optimistic? I mean pulling a near double-double against cornell while still looking clueless...WOW imagine if/when this kid figures it out. My only worry is that in the mean time, he's going to get exploited too much on D by better opponents or become one of our growing "big men liabilities" on O.

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Wilkins SUCKS! The game was on Saturday. There was a weak story in the paper that he didn't write and there has been nothing since. No quotes from the coaches or players, no blog entries. Really really poor coverage.


Between what we got from Singelais..and what we're now getting from Wilkins..I think it's pretty clear that the lack of coverage is due to the TU itself..not specifically the reporters.


Since the TU has given up on covering UAlbany sports..I've given up on going to them for my info. Despite being much more 'small time'..the Troy Record's coverage is 100x better..they've got my business (clicks).



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Wilkins SUCKS! The game was on Saturday. There was a weak story in the paper that he didn't write and there has been nothing since. No quotes from the coaches or players, no blog entries. Really really poor coverage.


Between what we got from Singelais..and what we're now getting from Wilkins..I think it's pretty clear that the lack of coverage is due to the TU itself..not specifically the reporters.


Since the TU has given up on covering UAlbany sports..I've given up on going to them for my info. Despite being much more 'small time'..the Troy Record's coverage is 100x better..they've got my business (clicks).




I whole heartedly agree with that statement. I no longer even check the TU blog unless a link is posted here. I just go straight to the Record.

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Today's story about the Danes' first victory this season was certainly underwhelming.





The TU had an embarrassing bad day yesterday even by their standards. They send a reporter 3 hours to cover a community college. No reporter sent 2 hours to cover the areas university.

The headline of the staff report makes no sense. "defense hangs onto lead" Did not UA extend the lead though out the second half. Every update I got UA had a bigger lead than the update before.

Then there is a story on high school volleyball, yet no mention of the areas premier volleyball team clinching another NCAA bid, the 3rd in 4 years for the senior conference player of the year. So they can't even fall back on their lame excuse "no one cares about that sport"

Is it any surprise they have to drop the price of the Sunday paper to 25 cents per week to get customers. Even at that price I am overpaying.

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Today's story about the Danes' first victory this season was certainly underwhelming.





The TU had an embarrassing bad day yesterday even by their standards. They send a reporter 3 hours to cover a community college. No reporter sent 2 hours to cover the areas university.

The headline of the staff report makes no sense. "defense hangs onto lead" Did not UA extend the lead though out the second half. Every update I got UA had a bigger lead than the update before.

Then there is a story on high school volleyball, yet no mention of the areas premier volleyball team clinching another NCAA bid, the 3rd in 4 years for the senior conference player of the year. So they can't even fall back on their lame excuse "no one cares about that sport"

Is it any surprise they have to drop the price of the Sunday paper to 25 cents per week to get customers. Even at that price I am overpaying.


Indefensible (the TU, not the post!) . . . but "indefensible" and "TU sports" is mostly a redundancy. We should all print this summary out -- it's a perfect example of what the TU does/does not do -- and bring it out whenever someone is lame enough to try to defend the sports section of covering local college sports, except for LCC.

(For some unknown reason, I suddenly think about that great scene in Blazing Saddles when Cleavon Little first meets the townspeople and says, as he reaches toward his belt, "'Scuse me while I whip this out," at which point everyone gasps and alot of ladies faint. It was Harvey Korman's authorization for Cleavon to sheriff, of course. Sorry, I forget all the character names.)

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I'm thinking that the 18th versus MSM might be her first home game (I might need 2 tickets A92?) - JonUA97

Jon ...i have not posted in a very long time ... oh my ... but, i read the board daily ... if you still have my phone number, give me a call ... if not, shoot me a message from here ... should not have a problem with tickets for you on 12/18 ... hope all is well

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