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Saints big test

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I could care less about college football, let alone non-division I-A. BTW genius, SUNY is division I-AA.



Actually UAlbany is a member Division I Football Championship Division.


And for those of you who are wondering...yes I am on a personal mission to have everyone get the new classification right. :rolleyes:

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Sorry to disappoint you Bocedid, but no one can dispute those facts.


You know something Bocedid, I just realized that you really don't know anything about college sports? I guess ignorance really is bliss. Enjoy.



I'll just start it for you, I'm sure the more knowledgeable fans here will elaborate in simple words that even you can understand.....there is no such things as I-AA anymore. Averyone is now Division I but they have two groups.....


There is an NCAA vote on April 27th to get rid of the IA and IAA labels. If it passes, which it is fully expected to, there will only be Division I football in the NCAA.


DI will be broken down into two groups - Division I-Bowl Championship Group (BCG) and Division I- Playoff Championship Group (PCG).


UA will, obviously, be a Division I-PCG program. What is nice is that the winner of the DI-PCG championship game, formerly the IAA National Champion, will be known as the Division I Playoff Champion.


You really want to continue this conversation? How many more times will you have to be set straight before you realize that you simply are not intelligent enough to have this conversation. I concede to be a total novice when it comes to college football, obviously you know even less. Again, why would you since your football program got canceled long ago.

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I could care less about college football

That's why we have such contempt for your one-old-trick pony of a so-called athletic department. I suspect you would care about college football is the 'aints were ever good at it (or any other sport), but the four times they played Albany the scores were 25-24, 31-20, 36-21, and 71-8. That last was in '73 - were you trampled into the Bleecker dust that day?

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. . . I don't balme you. Let's face it, Siena beat SUNY again this year and you therefore have lost bragging rights again. Maybe next year, but I doubt it considering SUNY loses their two best players. . . .

The real bragging rights pertain to who is still left playing in mid-March. I have a feeling that last year will repeat again this year, as UAlbany plays a tough game again before a national audience while Siena's locker room begins to gather dust again. Yes, once again, we'll be leaving you behind in YOUR own dust.

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Let's face it, Siena beat SUNY again this year and you therefore have lost bragging rights again.


When does the ticker to the next Siena game start. I bet it begins in late August.



Really, the season ended with that 1 point 2 OT game.

Well maybe it did for the saints.

Any truth to the rumor that Siena only wants to play one game next season.

Then you can have your little Albany cup while the rest of the mid majors compete to get into bracketbuster and the rest of the nations teams compete to get into that little tournament in March called the NCAA tournament that gives teams national bragging rights over those that don't make it.


I guess in your world it is better to be NE,Miami,GB,Dallas,Tennesee, Jacksonville or Houston rather than Chicago or Indy. After all it is better to beat a team in the superbowl than to actual play in it.


You are a joke. You lost bragging rights a long time ago. And on 2/1/07, there is no doubt to anyone other than the most delusion saints fan to the fact that UA is better and more respected than Sienna.

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I'm sorry guys. I didn't realize today was the 28th of April. My bad.


Sacred Heart rules!


LOL....every UA fan is laughing at you right now, how does it feel? What is it that you said about me not knowing anything about college sports?


As an aside, the EGG on your face is a good look for you.

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Sacred Heart rules!


First of all, Sacred Heart was early in the season in an away game. Current RPI is still 155 - about middle of Division I pack.


Long live Buffalo (current RPI = 211), Loyola (current RPI = 195, who beat you on your SACRED ground), and Fairfield (current RPI = 250), plus Rider (current 173)! All of these sub-average teams beat you. Some of them are recent, painful losses.


How could a team that beat UAlbany on its own home court by a measley one point very early in the season now claim supremacy with losses to sub-par teams?


In five weeks Siena lockers will be full of dust.

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The presence of Saints73 has all the markings of traitorship.


First, the subject reasserts his or her allegiance to the original cause.

Next, he or she establishes contact with the enemy.

Finally, he or she arrives at the realization that the enemy’s cause is more noble, or has a better chance of success, and then they ask to be accepted to the side that they once fought against.


I really cannot blame Siena fans for wanting to change allegiances. The future is very bright for UAlbany, while Siena’s future lacks direction.


I think Saints73 should be commended for being ahead of the curve regarding Siena defections, but I also have some advice:

First, in these situations, it is normal to be gracious to your new hosts so they do not doubt your allegiances.

Second, it is customary to offer to your new comrades something for their hospitality. So far nothing has been offered but muddled facts and name calling, and neither will help you to endear yourself to the respected leaders of the UAlbany cause. Unfortunately, there is nothing a Siena fan can offer a UAlbany fan that they can use to improve their conference, so you may have to be creative to find something.


I look forward to working with Saints73 to help build the UAlbany community, but first he must show more respect to his new cause, and then we must get him a new screen name.


With the state of Siena athletics, the defection rates to UAlbany will only increase. As intelligent and accepting fans we will be able to educate you on our growing program, and you will be pleased with your choice.


Saints73, you are a true pioneer. You will always be remembered as the first Siena fan to jump from the sinking ship. Congratulations.

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Egg on my face?? Let's recap Bocedid. Snaggleship referred to SUNY as having a "division I-A" football program. He was correct to use the current classification (the meaningless vote in April to restructure the terminology has not happened yet), but incorrect in not realizing SUNY is division I-AA. I simply pointed out he was wrong. Where is the Egg?


BTW, do think Will Brown will eventually realize it's the year 2007? Maybe he hopes he can fool the NCAA committee to give Jamar Wilson another year of eligibilty.


Hey bob, are you going to be wearing that pleather Danes jacket to the Siena game tonight?

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Lets take an unbias look at what has been going on recently - not opinion but fact.


Lets look at the recent FACTS no more BS


Siena 2005 Albany 2005

Confrence RPI 22 Conference RPI 16

Team RPI 297 Team RPI 195

Overall 6-24 Overall 13-15

Conference 4-14 Conference 9-9


Siena 2006 Albany 2006

Conference RPI 14 Conference RPI 27

Team RPI 125 Team RPI 119

Overall 15-13 Overall 21-10

Conference 10-8 Conference 13-3


Siena 2007 Albany 2007 as of 2/01/07

Conference RPI 23 Conference RPI 20

Team RPI 132 Team RPI 104

Overall 11-10 Overall 15-7

Conference 6-5 Conference 8-2


In each of the past past 3 seasons UA has had a better overall record, conference record and RPI then Siena. UA has also finished or are currently higher in the standings each year. Over the past three seasons the America East has been the higher rated RPI Conference two of the three years so we can easily say the conferences are about equal.


No bias in this at all the are facts and numbers generated by others not by fans of Siena or Albany.

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