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Morgan St

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Just re-read this morning and found this...


Down the stretch they were out played and out coached.



And questioning the play calling when the Danes were down by 4 with time left in the game to tie it up. Where's the accountability?




I had to bounce with like 5 mintues to go to get back and take care of the youngin. So I caught the end of the game and interview in the car.


Seriously? You're pontificating on the coaching down the stretch and you weren't even in the building.



And Bid Dog is 19...according to the TU BLOG. Not going to say much more....


...except something here smells.

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Just re-read this morning and found this...


Down the stretch they were out played and out coached.



And questioning the play calling when the Danes were down by 4 with time left in the game to tie it up. Where's the accountability?




I had to bounce with like 5 mintues to go to get back and take care of the youngin. So I caught the end of the game and interview in the car.


Seriously? You're pontificating on the coaching down the stretch and you weren't even in the building.


As a disclaimer to my following comment I will state that I hate to encourage more DDS/BD activity, but I have to admit that some of these exchanges have been hilarious. First there was the whole Sherlock Holmes/Ms. GDG thing, now there is the "You're pontificating on the coaching down the stretch and you weren't even in the building." comment. CLASSIC!


By the way DDS/BD, I saw you offering to buy suds at the ATSP. The price of my loyalty is one imperial pint of Guinness.


Don't confuse him-- he probably doesnt know what "imperial pint" means.

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Just re-read this morning and found this...


Down the stretch they were out played and out coached.



And questioning the play calling when the Danes were down by 4 with time left in the game to tie it up. Where's the accountability?




I had to bounce with like 5 mintues to go to get back and take care of the youngin. So I caught the end of the game and interview in the car.


Seriously? You're pontificating on the coaching down the stretch and you weren't even in the building.



And Bid Dog is 19...according to the TU BLOG. Not going to say much more....


...except something here smells.



I'm 24 if you really want to know , so I was 14 when Brown took over the program.


Hopefully the Danes can bounce back Monday night that was a tough loss in the home opener.

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I can’t remember a UA game where we went 10 deep and had a clear back-up for each starter,,,so lets go position by position



Tart and Black – With Johnson’s return pending I’d guess there will be a major battle for #2 point. I can’t imagine we want to go 3 deep here. So far I like what I’ve seen from Tart a little more than Black. It seams to me the game has slowed down more for Tart. Black’s working very hard right now to get the job done. If you want to win this job boys prove you’re the better shut-down defender


2- Guard

Ambrose and Logan - what different players. Ambrose needs to keep growing and make better decisions for us to be good this year. I think he’d actually benefit from playing a little point guard a la Jamar. It keeps things simple for both him and the O. The O starts after he gets the ball anyway so why worry about developing new creative ways to get him the ball.

Logan - I really think he is the future. If I’m Brown I do everything I can to help him emerge as a leader even if he’s a freshmen working to get back to 100% physically. I’d be real happy with these two on the floor at the same time each playing the 1/2 …not sure we’ll ever see this but I really think each could benefit from being on the floor with the other.


Sm Forward

Harris / Allen – last year Brown realized he needs to keep Harris fresh. Harris is advertised as being in better shape this year but I still think Brown will need to watch his minutes and keep him fresh. Harris feeds off the crowd and the energy in the building. I fear the new Top Gun theme music in crunch time is not going to cut it for him. They should play whatever Will Harris asks them to play

Allen – he’s going to need to do a lot of work to stay in Brown’s final rotation

We might see some Logan minutes here if there are enough minutes in those feet



Lindfors and McRae – I’m most surprised with what Lindfors has brought to the table more than all the other new comers I’ve never seen play before this past week. McRae has lots of potential. I think he’d be real good in a Siena style offence. For this game I thought he was very good. Right when he needed a breather Lindfors came back in and immediately picked up his 4th. I thought they would have been better served leaving Lindfors in and having McRae fresh down the stretch. I thought McRae made some tired decisions late.

Uri – even with a difficult SU game I have some high hopes for what he can add to our O




Gifford and Metcalf – these guys need to touch the ball more and I don’t mean at the 3-point line at the top of the key. Get these guys the ball on the block and then kick it back to the guards. I think players would be amazed how much room this will create

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I'm 24 if you really want to know , so I was 14 when Brown took over the program.




Wrong again. Will Brown was promoted to interim head coach on Dec. 20,2001. Everyone has aged almost 8 years since then, not 10.



Is it even relevant? Does it even matter? If it does to you, you guys are a sad sad bunch..

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I can’t remember a UA game where we went 10 deep and had a clear back-up for each starter,,,so lets go position by position



Tart and Black – With Johnson’s return pending I’d guess there will be a major battle for #2 point. I can’t imagine we want to go 3 deep here. So far I like what I’ve seen from Tart a little more than Black. It seams to me the game has slowed down more for Tart. Black’s working very hard right now to get the job done. If you want to win this job boys prove you’re the better shut-down defender


2- Guard

Ambrose and Logan - what different players. Ambrose needs to keep growing and make better decisions for us to be good this year. I think he’d actually benefit from playing a little point guard a la Jamar. It keeps things simple for both him and the O. The O starts after he gets the ball anyway so why worry about developing new creative ways to get him the ball.

Logan - I really think he is the future. If I’m Brown I do everything I can to help him emerge as a leader even if he’s a freshmen working to get back to 100% physically. I’d be real happy with these two on the floor at the same time each playing the 1/2 …not sure we’ll ever see this but I really think each could benefit from being on the floor with the other.


Sm Forward

Harris / Allen – last year Brown realized he needs to keep Harris fresh. Harris is advertised as being in better shape this year but I still think Brown will need to watch his minutes and keep him fresh. Harris feeds off the crowd and the energy in the building. I fear the new Top Gun theme music in crunch time is not going to cut it for him. They should play whatever Will Harris asks them to play

Allen – he’s going to need to do a lot of work to stay in Brown’s final rotation

We might see some Logan minutes here if there are enough minutes in those feet



Lindfors and McRae – I’m most surprised with what Lindfors has brought to the table more than all the other new comers I’ve never seen play before this past week. McRae has lots of potential. I think he’d be real good in a Siena style offence. For this game I thought he was very good. Right when he needed a breather Lindfors came back in and immediately picked up his 4th. I thought they would have been better served leaving Lindfors in and having McRae fresh down the stretch. I thought McRae made some tired decisions late.

Uri – even with a difficult SU game I have some high hopes for what he can add to our O




Gifford and Metcalf – these guys need to touch the ball more and I don’t mean at the 3-point line at the top of the key. Get these guys the ball on the block and then kick it back to the guards. I think players would be amazed how much room this will create



It's nice to see more of a set rotation so the players know where they stand in the line up. At the SF position I would even go with Lindfors or Urli there when Harris needs a breather if Allen continues to struggle and go with a big line up. Hopefully on monday night they really get the offense clicking and come out with a W.

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I agree with you NYR about being like Noah's ark, having two of everything (let's hope.)


A couple of spots I see differently:



Johnson with Black as backup.



Ambrose and then I can see Tartt getting minutes here. He seems like a scoring guard and defensively I like him there with more size. I just can't see him being the thrid point, he's too good.


Small Forward

Harris and then maybe Aronhalt and Barraza. Aronhalt seems like a small forward to me but I agree he can play either the guard for sm forward spots.


PF and Center

Urli to return to start and Giff at Center.

The way McRae and Lindfors have contributed so far I can't see stacking them at a position. I'd rather see them get some minutes at the center spot even if they aren't a prototype center. The idea of two shooting big men in Lindfors and Urli out there at the same time is pretty appealing.

I really like the way Metcalf plays but at this point he seems like the least polished of the big guys. I hope he gets minutes just because I think he can be tht type of guy that people feed off with his energy.


I liked Glanton in the scrimmage this year but it looks like a tough line-up to get minutes. Really the same for Allen and Watts although you never know what will happen as the year goes on.


Interesting that Coach Brown said there won't be any signings this fall. I almost wonder if they'll look for a transfer to bring in next year.

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I think NYR and Dane Pound point out some great things.


DP brings up a great pt about a transfer. I think you are right and we will see a player ala Jason Siggers come in to complete what already looks like a great young nucleus. When Glanton and Watts get their minutes (and they will get plenty this year or next)...this team will be scary good and scary deep.


I am thinking more about next year than this year...though this year would be nice to make the tourney. The experience and depth we will have is just stupid and I hope anyone not getting minutes will bide their time and realize it will come sooner rather than later. If they buy into that...what teams can rotate (for the next three years) the depth that we will have.


There isnt a team in this league that has the forward depth the Danes have. I think Lindfors has some scary potential...

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I'm 24 if you really want to know , so I was 14 when Brown took over the program.




Wrong again. Will Brown was promoted to interim head coach on Dec. 20,2001. Everyone has aged almost 8 years since then, not 10.



Is it even relevant? Does it even matter? If it does to you, you guys are a sad sad bunch..


No one cares how old you are. The fact that you continue to need to make up different figures is another example showing what a piece of $iena you are.

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