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UA vs. Bucknell

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Pretty much a stop away from stealing that game. I was a little surprised they didn't go with a bigger defensive lineup in the possesion where Griffin hit the big three but hindsight is of course 20/20. I think our bench will develop more but pretty happy with over 20+ points coming from the bench. Josh Martin has yet to miss a shot.

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B)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Zalman B @ Nov 10 2007, 07:48 PM) 27344[/snapback]</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->
Were having a hard time getting the shots to go down, but it is the first game. What exactly happened with Turley and the T? I logged into the broadcast just after the tip This Bucknell announcer is just terrible.


He dunked during the layup drill (or during shoot-around warm-ups) while the refs were on the floor. Automatic technical foul.


I have followed NCAA hoop since I was a kid and have never heard of that rule. Wow!. Anyone else ever see it happen?


I've seen that called one very memorable time in the February, 1977 Albany - Siena game, played at the Siena ARC, which was the last game in the series before the current revival. A Siena player named Nelson Richardson dunked twice when they came out to begin the layup line; the refs were on the court, but wearing jackets over their striped shirts and T'ed him up twice. The game began with Albany getting two free throws and the ball.


One time UAalum72 scanned and posted the TU article from that game, the headline of which was "STATE GETS LAST LAUGH AT SIENA"

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DP - sorry to nitpick but, the story you linked was the 1974 game; the 2Ts in warm-ups was the 1977 game. Both were happy endings. In those days, the regular season Albany - Siena game (sometimes there was a CD tournament game earlier in the season)was always played in February, so both teams would be at their best. Imagine suggesting that to Coaches Brown or McCaffrey now.

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So In the rule book above I see nothing about Dunking during warm ups as a cause for a Technical foul... can someone find it in there and quote it?



Guys, this rule has been around since about the late mid-1980's. The 70's, I am not so sure that dunking was the reason those T's were given (maybe showing the refs up...I am not sure)...but I know enforcement of the rule started in the 80's. There is ZERO dunking allowed in warmups. You CANNOT touch the rim during warmups.


Al Turley...knows the rule. IT is the same at the AAU and High School level.

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1. No minutes for Ambrose and only 7 for Turley.

2. If Lillis is going to become more of a scorer, does he get moved off the ball and allow Martin to run the point more (similar to Jamar's situation at the beginning of last year).

3. The difference was obviously at the free throw line (UA was 7 for 9, bucknell 19 for 24). Does that mean that UA wasn't going to the basket aggressively enough?

4. The defense played well overall.

5. Not sure how the starting 5 is going to score...


All that said, it was just one game and they were in there until the last few minutes of the game.

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5. Not sure how the starting 5 is going to score...- reeder


Good question!!!!


Jerel Hastings should play much better offensively, it sounded like he went well to the hoop 2 or 3 times and just didn't finish. He has a big upside I think.


For some reason Brent seemed totally out of it offensively but he did get 7 rebounds and picked up a few charges.


Brian Connelly on the other hand seemed like he didn't live up to the preseason hype, sounded like he was floundering out their.


If two of your supposed best offensive players struggle you're team is going to struggle. When Jason and Jamar had poor games on the same night last season we were in for a long night too.


I'm giving them a pass on this "season opener" lets see if there is any progress coming soon.

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I was at the game and the one thing I thought was funny was that earlier in the game Lillis missed a shot with an airball. The "Sojka Psychos" hounded him from then on by chanting "Airball" everytime he touched the ball, up until he ran it down the court and dunked it in their faces. That shut them up.

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Was able to watch the game through the online sportsjuice feed. Hooked my gf's computer up to her flatscreen HDTV. So it was kinda like watching in on tv..not bad really.




Lillis - Looked very strong and scored with relative ease. Was a bit more careless with the ball than we're used to seeing, but that's probably attributable to it being the first game of the season. Definitely the best Dane on the court last night.


Gifford - Looked much improved. Showed moves to the basket and rebounded well, especially on the offensive glass. I think he plays himself into the starting line-up very soon.


Brent - Looked completely flat on the offensive end. Got his usual rebounds, like Patch mentioned, but he couldn't score from the post in the first half and then couldn't hit from the outside in the second.


Connelly - Looked even flater than Brent. Don't know if he wasn't getting the ball where he likes or what. Maybe his hand injury was partly to blame?..I hope so.


Iati - Looked good offensively. Took a couple shots to find his stroke, but then it was Iati as usual. Handled the point decently when he was playing it too.


Scrap - Looked a lot more comfortable than I was expecting. Looked like the classic 'pass first' PG. I had my doubts about him starting at PG during the summer, but I can picture it now, especially if we need Lillis to concentrate on scoring.


Jimmie - Doesn't really look like he's improved at all. He's definitely a banger, but I can see him out of the starting line-up very quick if he keeps playing like that.


Jerel - Played good defense but didn't really see any of the offense I think most of us were expecting. Hope that changes soon. Are we gonna use him for tip-offs every time??



I was surprised to see neither Ambrose or Reid at all, considering our poor offense last night. I wondering what the reasoning is/was. I think our defense was decent, but it seemed like neither team really gelled offensively. Tough to see Griffin hit that 3 with less than a minute. Knew it was a very bad mismatch as soon as Iati ended up defending him. Not much that Jon could do other than what he did. I don't know if it was a breakdown on our part, or if we just got beat.


While you never want a loss, I think there is still an upside. In a game where we didn't really play all too well on the road in front of a sell-out crowd against a strong mid-major, we were in the game until the last minute and definitely had chances to win.


On with CCSU!

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Excellent observations GDG.


I do disagree with you on Covington. Offensively, some awesome moves I had never seen before from him. He needs to finish however. Hopefully he will progress.


Really disappointed with Jerel and Brian C....expected more-- but that's a first game for you. I am not too worried.


Really shocked no Reid or Ambrose.


Did like that we could go 9 deep like it was nothing.


Scrap-- Will be good. Made lots of frosh and "streetball" mistakes (the bounce pass at the end of one)...but I really...really like him. Think he will be a good one.

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