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Stadium: Architecture, Engineering, and Design AWARDED!

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Keeping with the secrecy theme.

IF I had information that all bids are complete and the selecting of construction firms (target end of February) was all that remained before starting. And IF this information is accurate, for those of you with construction, contract law and architectural experience what would it mean?

i.e. When would we be able to play/see a game in this "fictitious" stadium?


I know nothing of things you speak of but to throw something out at you I would think we see a game 2013 if that is in fact what is going on...and I've heard similar.

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Keeping with the secrecy theme.

IF I had information that all bids are complete and the selecting of construction firms (target end of February) was all that remained before starting. And IF this information is accurate, for those of you with construction, contract law and architectural experience what would it mean?

i.e. When would we be able to play/see a game in this "fictitious" stadium?

From our experience with Fallon Field: 1) construction of two artificial playing surfaces took about three months; figure two months tops for one; 2) groundbreaking for the stands were in early April, I called the seating finished September 10, though sidewalk and landscaping continued for another month. I suppose both of these phases could overlap a lot.


Would we open with only the lower-level seating while the upper level finished?


It all depends on how much effort you want to pay for. Stanford demolished an 80,000-seat stadium and built a new 50,000-seat one on the same site in 10 months.

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I will say this; if you mean construction stops during the season on the upper level, then yes...that is doable. However, there is NO WAY they will get a CO on an active construction site. Not a chance.


My guess...they will halt construction once the turf is complete...put up temp stands...finish the rest in the winter considering you don't have as much of a concern with steel/alumninum construction as you do with laying a foundation during weather.

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Anyone notice Wyland's interview with Dr. M @ the half of the New Hampshire game. Mc unsolicited said construction would begin soon on our new football "stadium". Wyland appeared tongue tied and did not or could not or would not ask a follow question. Instead he pursued comments made by Mc on lacrosse. It was almost as if Wyland was surprised that Dr. M even brought it up. Anyhow, here is hoping "soon" is SOON.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The price tag at $14M is lower than what I expected. I was thinking $18M for some reason. I like that they are still planning on adding suites in the first phase. The permanent seat count is lower than what I heard previously but the total at 7K is slightly higher. I hope the bids include phase 2 so that we can turn that around quickly and easily.


Probably no chance of getting this done as soon as the AD is projecting though?


Text of the story.




UAlbany nears bid on $14M sports complex

The Business Review by Adam Sichko, Reporter

Date: Monday, January 23, 2012, 6:22am EST


Adam Sichko

Reporter - The Business Review

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The University at Albany University at Albany


The University at Albany is ready to bid $20 million of athletics work—including a football field—by the end of this month, according to athletics director Lee McElroy.


"It is imminent. I expect to go to bid any day now," McElroy said in a Jan. 20 interview.


The centerpiece is a football complex with 7,000 seats, which UAlbany expects to cost $14.2 million to build. The bid will be open for between 30 to 45 days.


McElroy has pitched the football project to state officials for years in attempts to secure funding. He has downsized the project from an original proposal of a 25,000-seat stadium costing up to $60 million.


"This is a recognition that something is better than nothing," McElroy said. "We finally have a lot of momentum going right now."


Heery International, based in Atlanta, has received roughly $1 million to-date for design and planning work, McElroy said. The field could grow to 25,000 seats in future rounds of construction, he said.


Plans call for 5,000 seats to be permanent, including six suites. About 2,500 temporary seats will be set up across the field, on the visitors' sideline.


After a winning bidder is named, UAlbany plans to release bids for naming rights for the complex, and separate rights to name the field itself.


UAlbany is currently deciding what prices to charge for the suites, which it will market after a bidder is named, McElroy said.


The construction bid contains two other projects: about $4 million of renovations to track-and-field facilities, as well as a $1 million recreational venue for the general student body.


McElroy said he hopes to have the football work in time for UAlbany's final home football game this fall.

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If the bids go out this week, and are open for "30 to 45 days", 1) how long does it take for UA to review and award bids; and 2) once awarded, how long does it typically take the contractor to line up his subcontractors and suppliers and get the backhoes on site?


The project timeline on page 1 of this thread shows a six-month window of construction with "* Early football turf completion". So does a 30-day review leave room for a May 15 construction start? I just hope we don't open against Wagner in a cold rain or snow on 11/17 for a crowd of 800.

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After a winning bidder is named, UAlbany plans to release bids for naming rights for the complex, and separate rights to name the field itself.



For $100 I might toss a hat in for naming rights. I'm thinking "Big Purple Fans Field." I hope I don't win!



Almost sorry to see it open for the last game of the year instead of the first. Unless of course that last home game is the opening round of the FCS playoffs.

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Bid the stadium of course; but if the field is anything but "BOB FORD FIELD" it would be sadder than all the delays we have faced over the years.


Sounds like it is finally a 'go'. Then again, I won't expect to see anything until I actually see something.


I think they need to rethink allowing bids for naming rights of the field.

It is an absolute necessity for the field to be named Bob Ford Field.

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